Chapter 7 Central Processor Unit (S08CPUV2)
MC9S08AW60 Data Sheet, Rev.1.0
Freescale Semiconductor
Reset Sequence
Reset can be caused by a power-on-reset (POR) event, internal conditions such as the COP (computer
operating properly) watchdog, or by assertion of an external active-low reset pin. When a reset event
occurs, the CPU immediately stops whatever it is doing (the MCU does not wait for an instruction
boundary before responding to a reset event). For a more detailed discussion about how the MCU
recognizes resets and determines the source, refer to the Resets, Interrupts, and System Conguration
The reset event is considered concluded when the sequence to determine whether the reset came from an
internal source is done and when the reset pin is no longer asserted. At the conclusion of a reset event, the
CPU performs a 6-cycle sequence to fetch the reset vector from 0xFFFE and 0xFFFF and to ll the
instruction queue in preparation for execution of the rst program instruction.
Interrupt Sequence
When an interrupt is requested, the CPU completes the current instruction before responding to the
interrupt. At this point, the program counter is pointing at the start of the next instruction, which is where
the CPU should return after servicing the interrupt. The CPU responds to an interrupt by performing the
same sequence of operations as for a software interrupt (SWI) instruction, except the address used for the
vector fetch is determined by the highest priority interrupt that is pending when the interrupt sequence
The CPU sequence for an interrupt is:
1. Store the contents of PCL, PCH, X, A, and CCR on the stack, in that order.
2. Set the I bit in the CCR.
3. Fetch the high-order half of the interrupt vector.
4. Fetch the low-order half of the interrupt vector.
5. Delay for one free bus cycle.
6. Fetch three bytes of program information starting at the address indicated by the interrupt vector
to ll the instruction queue in preparation for execution of the rst instruction in the interrupt
service routine.
After the CCR contents are pushed onto the stack, the I bit in the CCR is set to prevent other interrupts
while in the interrupt service routine. Although it is possible to clear the I bit with an instruction in the
interrupt service routine, this would allow nesting of interrupts (which is not recommended because it
leads to programs that are difcult to debug and maintain).
For compatibility with the earlier M68HC05 MCUs, the high-order half of the H:X index register pair (H)
is not saved on the stack as part of the interrupt sequence. The user must use a PSHH instruction at the
beginning of the service routine to save H and then use a PULH instruction just before the RTI that ends
the interrupt service routine. It is not necessary to save H if you are certain that the interrupt service routine
does not use any instructions or auto-increment addressing modes that might change the value of H.
The software interrupt (SWI) instruction is like a hardware interrupt except that it is not masked by the
global I bit in the CCR and it is associated with an instruction opcode within the program so it is not
asynchronous to program execution.