Preliminary Information
-is the number of bits in the frame
alignment signal (0011011).
-is the number of errored frame alignment
signals counted between changes of state
of the ERR bit.
-is the number of frame alignment signals in
a one second interval.
This formula provides a good approximation of the
BER given the following assumptions:
1. The bit errors are uniformly distributed on the
line. In other words, every bit in every channel is
equally likely to get an error.
2. The errors that occur in channel 0 are bit errors.
If the first assumption holds and the bit error rate
is reasonable, (below 10
) then the probability of
two or more errors in 7 bits is very low.
Attenuation ROM
All transmit and receive data in the MH89790B is
passed through the digital attenuation ROM
according to the values set on bits 5 - 0 of data
channels in the control stream (CSTi0). Data can be
attenuated on a per-channel basis from 1 to 6 dB for
both Tx and Rx data (refer Table 2).
Digital attenuation is applied on a per-channel basis
to the data found one channel after the control
information stored in the control channel CSTi0, i.e.,
control stream 0 channel 4 contains the attenuation
setting for data stream (DSTo) channel 5.
Signalling Bit RAM
The A, B, C, & D Bit RAM is used to retain the status
of the per-channel signalling bits so that they may be
multiplexed into the Control Output Stream (CSTo).
This signalling information is only valid when the
module is synchronized to the received data stream.
If synchronization is lost, the status of the signalling
bits will be retained for 6.0 ms provided the signalling
debounce is active.
Integrated into the signalling bit RAM is a debounce
circuit which will delay valid signalling bit changes for
16* number of times ERR bit toggles
7* 4000 * elapsed time in seconds
6.0 to 8.0 ms. By debouncing the signalling bits, a
bit error in the latter will not affect the call in
progress. (See Table 3, bits 3-0 of channel 15 on the
CSTi0 line.)
CEPT PCM 30 Format MUX
The internal multiplexer formats the data stream
corresponding to the CEPT PCM 30 format. The
multiplexer will use timeslots 1 to 15 and 17 to 31 for
data and timeslots 0 & 16 for the synchronization
and channel associated signalling.
The frame alignment and non-frame alignment
signals for timeslot zero are sourced by the control
respectively. The most significant bit of timeslot zero
will optionally contain the cyclical redundancy check,
CRC multiframe signal and Si bits used for far-end
CRC monitoring.
Framing Algorithms
There are three distinct framers within the
MH89790B. These include a frame alignment signal
framer, a multiframe framer and a CRC framer.
Figure 12 shows the state diagram of the framing
algorithms. The dotted lines show optional features
which are enabled in the maintenance mode, that is
selected by setting Maint bit of the Master Control
Word 3 to “1”.
The frame synchronization circuit searches for the
first frame alignment signal within the bit stream.
Once detected, the frame counters are set to find the
non-frame alignment signal. If bit 2 of the non-frame
alignment signal is not one, a new search is initiated,
else the framer will monitor for the frame alignment
in the next frame. If the frame alignment signal is
found, the device immediately declares frame
dependent upon the state of frame alignment framer.
The multiframe framer will not initiate a search for
multiframe synchronization until frame sync is
achieved. Multiframe synchronization will be
declared on the first occurrence of four consecutive
zeros in the higher order quartet of channel 16.
Once multiframe synchronization is achieved, the
framer will only go out of synchronization after
detection of two errors in the multiframe signal or
loss of frame alignment synchronization.
dependent on the state of the frame alignment