It is expected that the software output control feature be
used only in combine mode.
The CH(n)OC and CH(n+1)OC bits should be equal.
The COMP bit should not be modified when software
output control is enabled, that is, CH(n)OC = 1 and/or
CH(n+1)OC = 1.
Software output control has the same behavior with
disabled or enabled FTM counter (see the CLKS bitfield
description in the Status and Control register).
36.4.14 Deadtime Insertion
The deadtime insertion is enabled when (DTEN = 1) and (DTVAL[5:0] is non- zero).
DEADTIME register defines the deadtime delay that can be used for all FTM channels.
The DTPS[1:0] bits define the prescaler for the system clock and the DTVAL[5:0] bits
define the deadtime modulo (number of the deadtime prescaler clocks).
The deadtime delay insertion ensures that no two complementary signals (channels (n)
and (n+1)) drive the active state at the same time.
If POL(n) = 0, POL(n+1) = 0, and the deadtime is enabled, then when the channel (n)
match (FTM counter = C(n)V) occurs, the channel (n) output remains at the low value
until the end of the deadtime delay when the channel (n) output is set. Similarly, when the
channel (n+1) match (FTM counter = C(n+1)V) occurs, the channel (n+1) output remains
at the low value until the end of the deadtime delay when the channel (n+1) output is set.
See the following figures.
If POL(n) = 1, POL(n+1) = 1, and the deadtime is enabled, then when the channel (n)
match (FTM counter = C(n)V) occurs, the channel (n) output remains at the high value
until the end of the deadtime delay when the channel (n) output is cleared. Similarly,
when the channel (n+1) match (FTM counter = C(n+1)V) occurs, the channel (n+1)
output remains at the high value until the end of the deadtime delay when the channel (n
+1) output is cleared.
Functional Description
K40 Sub-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 5, 8 May 2011
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.