Chapter 14
A/D Converter
XIV - 36
(4) Set the AD0: Set the AN0CTR0 register
Set the operation mode
bp1-0: AN0MD1-0=01
Set the conversion clock
bp4-2: AN0CK2-0=011
Set the conversion start channel
bp10-8: AN0CH2-0=000
Set the conversion complete channel
bp14-12: AN0NCH2-0=010
Set the power-down mode
bp6: AN0OFF=1
(4) Set the AN0MD1-0 flags of the AN0CTR0 register to “01”
to set “multiple channels/one-timer conversion” to
operation mode.
Set the AN0CK2-0 flags of the AN0CTR0 register to
“011” to set the conversion clock to4 dividing of IOCLK.
Set the AN0CH2-0 flags of the AN0CTR0 register to
“000” to set “channel 0” to the conversion channel.
Set the AN0NCH2-0 flags of the AN0CTR0 register to
“010” to set “channel 2) to the last channel to be
Set the AN0OFF flag of the AN0CTR0 register to “1” to
set operation mode to the power-down mode flag.
*After shifted to operation mode, more than 100nsec
wait time is necessary until A/D conversion start.
(5) Set the AD0: Select the AD0 start trigger
bp2-0: AD0ST2-0=010
(5) Set the AD0ST2-0 flags of the A/D start selection
register (ADST0) to “010” to start the A/D conversion by
the timer 12 compare A interrupt.
(6) Set the external trigger conversion start
bp5: AN0TRG=1
(6) Set the AN0TRG flag of the AN0CTR0 register to “1” to
set conversion start by the timer 11 compare A
(7) Set the AD0: Set the interrupt level
bp14-12: G26LV2-0=100
(7) Set the AD0 complete interrupt level by the G26LV2-0
flags of the G26ICR register. When the interrupt
request flag is already set, clear the request flag.
(8) Set the AD0: Enable the interrupt
bp8: G26IE0=1
(8) Set the G26IE0 flag of the G26ICR register to “1” to
enable the AD0 complete interrupt.
(9) Set the timer 12: Select the cycle
(9) Set the cycle to the timer 12 compare/capture A register
(TM12CA). Due to 30000 dividing, the set value is
29999 (0x752F).
(10) Set the timer 12: Set the count clock source
bp2-0: TMCK2-0=000
(10) Select the count clock source (IOCLK) by the TMCK2-0
flags of the TM12MD register.
(11) Set the timer 12: Select up/down
bp9-8: TMUD1-0=00
(11) Select the timer up counting by the TMUD1-0 flags of
the TM12MD register.
(12) Set the timer 12: Set the counter clear
bp11: TMCLE=1
(12) Set the TMCLE flag of the TM12MD register to “1” to
enable the clear operation of the TM11BC counter.
When the TM12CA register and the TM12BC counter
match, the TM12BC counter is cleared.
Setup Procedure