OptiSheath MultiPort Terminal
An Evolant Solutions Product
Product Specifications
EVO-468-EN | Page 1
The OptiSheath MultiPort Terminal is designed for use in
outside plant fiber access networks. This innovative terminal
provides sealed environmental protection and fast, easy
incremental connection of subscriber drop cables to increase
deployment velocity. Its reliability and flexibility make it the
ideal choice for network access point terminals in fiber-to-the-
home(FTTH) deployments.
The OptiSheath MultiPort Terminal is available in five
configurations: four, six, eight, 10 and 12 OptiFit Cable
Assembly connector ports. The integrated preterminated cable
stub is available in increments of 25 ft and in both dielectric
and toneablecable designs.
The stubbed terminal provides the ability to consolidate
cable access points by routing several terminal stubs to a
single splice location. This increases workforce efficiency
and reduces the overall installation time required to connect
customers in FTTx networks.
Features / Benefits
Provides a cost-effective aerial or buried terminal solution
optimized for optical access architectures (FTTx)
Greatly reduces time required for subscriber connection
by utilizing OptiFit Cable Assembly connector ports for
customer drop terminations
Designed to install easily on a strand, wall, pole or in
pedestals or handholes
Terminal and cable stub are factory terminated and sealed
Reduces installation time and consumables
OptiSheath 4- and 12-Port MultiPort Terminal | Photo SHD171
Configure each terminal location to customer
take-rate and stub length
Available in 4-, 6-, 8-, 10- and 12-port
customer options
Designed and third-party tested to require-
ments of Telcordia GR-771-CORE, Issue 1
RDUP listed