19. Two-Wire Interface (TWI)
19.1 Features
Compatible with Atmel Two-wire Interface Serial Memory and IC Compatible Devices(1) One, Two or Three Bytes for Slave Address
Sequential Read-write Operations
Master, Multi-master and Slave Mode Operation
Bit Rate: Up to 400 Kbits
General Call Supported in Slave mode
Connection to Peripheral DMA Controller Channel Capabilities Optimizes Data Transfers in
Master Mode Only
– One Channel for the Receiver, One Channel for the Transmitter
– Next Buffer Support
1. See
Table 19-1 below for details on compatibility with IC Standard.
19.2 Overview
The Atmel Two-wire Interface (TWI) interconnects components on a unique two-wire bus, made
up of one clock line and one data line with speeds of up to 400 Kbits per second, based on a
byte-oriented transfer format. It can be used with any Atmel Two-wire Interface bus Serial
EEPROM and IC compatible device such as Real Time Clock (RTC), Dot Matrix/Graphic LCD
Controllers and Temperature Sensor, to name but a few. The TWI is programmable as a master
or a slave with sequential or single-byte access. Multiple master capability is supported. Arbitra-
tion of the bus is performed internally and puts the TWI in slave mode automatically if the bus
arbitration is lost.
A configurable baud rate generator permits the output data rate to be adapted to a wide range of
core clock frequencies.
Table 19-1 lists the compatibility level of the Atmel Two-wire Interface in Master Mode and
a full I2C compatible device.
1. START + b000000001 + Ack + Sr
Table 19-1.
Atmel TWI compatibility with I2C Standard
I2C Standard
Atmel TWI
Standard Mode Speed (100 KHz)
Fast Mode Speed (400 KHz)
7 or 10 bits Slave Addressing
Not Supported
Repeated Start (Sr) Condition
ACK and NACK Management
Slope control and input filtering (Fast mode)
Not Supported
Clock stretching