39.1.1 Rev. G
AWeX fault protection restore is not done correct in Pattern Generation Mode
AWeX fault protection restore is not done correctly in Pattern Generation Mode
When a fault is detected the OUTOVEN register is cleared, and when fault condition is cleared, OUTOVEN is
restored according to the corresponding enabled DTI channels. For Common Waveform Channel Mode (CWCM),
this has no effect as the OUTOVEN is correct after restoring from fault. For Pattern Generation Mode (PGM),
OUTOVEN should instead have been restored according to the DTILSBUF register.
Problem fix/Workaround
For CWCM no workaround is required.
For PGM in latched mode, disable the DTI channels before returning from the fault condition. Then, set correct
OUTOVEN value and enable the DTI channels, before the direction (DIR) register is written to enable the correct
outputs again.
For PGM in cycle-by-cycle mode there is no workaround.
39.1.2 Rev. E-F
Not sampled
39.1.3 rev. D
ADC unsigned mode non-functional
ADC increased noise when using internal 1.0V reference at low temperature
DAC offset calibration range too small when using AVCC as reference
Register ANAINIT in MCUR will always read as zero
CPU clock frequency limited to 24MHz
CPU clock frequency limited to 20MHz if using both application section and boot section
High active current consumption at low frequency
USB Transfer Complete interrupt generated for each IN packet in Multipacket Mode
Disabling the USART transmitter does not automatically set the TxD pin direction to input
AWeX PWM output after fault restarted with wrong values
TWI inactive bus timeout from BUSY bus state
TOSC32 as RTC32 clock output Non-functional
Pending asynchronous RTC32 interrupts will not wake up device
Pending full asynchronous pin change interrupts will not wake the device
ADC Unsigned mode non-functional
The ADC Unsigned mode is non-functional.
Problem fix/Workaround