8111C–MCU Wireless–09/09
The use of the Extended Operating Mode is based on Basic Operating Mode functionality. Only
features beyond the basic radio transceiver functionality are described in the following sections.
When using the RX_AACK or TX_ARET modes, the following registers needs to be configured.
RX_AACK configuration steps:
The addresses for the address match algorithm are to be stored in the appropriate address reg-
isters. Additional control of the RX_AACK mode is done with register 0x17 (XAH_CTRL_1) and
register 0x2E (CSMA_SEED_1).
As long as a short address has not been set, only broadcast frames and frames matching the
IEEE address can be received.
Configuration examples for different device operating modes and handling of various frame
TX_ARET configuration steps:
MAX_FRAME_RETRI E S (r e gist er 0x2 C ) de f i nes the maximu m number of fr am e
The register bits MAX_CSMA_RETRIES (register 0x2C) configure the number of CSMA-CA
retries after a busy channel is detected.
Short address, PAN-ID and IEEE address
registers 0x20 - 0x2B
Configure RX_AACK properties
registers 0x2C, 0x2E
– Handling of Frame Version Subfield
– Handling of Pending Data Indicator
– Characterize as PAN coordinator
– Handling of Slotted Acknowledgement
Additional Frame Filtering Properties
registers 0x17, 0x2E
– Promiscuous Mode
– Enable or disable automatic ACK generation
– Handling of reserved frame types
Leave register bit TX_AUTO_CRC_ON = 1
register 0x04, TRX_CTRL_1
Configure CSMA-CA
register 0x2C, XAH_CTRL_0
register 0x2C, XAH_CTRL_0
registers 0x2D, 0x2E
register 0x2F, CSMA_BE