An NOP command will be issued to the low-power DDR1-SDRAM. Program NOP command into the Mode Regis-
access to any DDR1-SDRAM address to acknowledge this command. Now clocks which drive DDR1-SDRAM
device are enabled.
A minimum pause of 200 s will be provided to precede any signal toggle.
An all banks precharge command is issued to the low-power DDR1-SDRAM. Program all banks precharge com-
mand into the Mode Register, the application must set Mode to 2 in the Mode Register (See
Section 30.7.1 onpage 457). Perform a write access to any low-power DDR1-SDRAM address to acknowledge this command
Two auto-refresh (CBR) cycles are provided. Program the auto refresh command (CBR) into the Mode Register,
to any low-power DDR1-SDRAM location twice to acknowledge these commands.
An Extended Mode Register set (EMRS) cycle is issued to program the low-power DDR1-SDRAM parameters
and perform a write access to the SDRAM to acknowledge this command. The write address must be chosen so
that BA[1] is set to 1 BA[0] is set to 0. For example, with a 16-bit 128 MB SDRAM (12 rows, 9 columns, 4 banks)
bank address, the low-power DDR1-SDRAM write access should be done at address 0x20800000.
This address is for example purposes only. The real address is dependent on implementation in the product.
A Mode Register set (MRS) cycle is issued to program the parameters of the low-power DDR1-SDRAM devices, in
particular CAS latency, burst length. The application must set Mode to 3 in the Mode Register (see
Section 30.7.1on page 457) and perform a write access to the low-power DDR1-SDRAM to acknowledge this command. The
write address must be chosen so that BA[1:0] bits are set to 0. For example, with a 16-bit 128 MB low-power
DDR1-SDRAM (12 rows, 9 columns, 4 banks) bank address, the SDRAM write access should be done at the
address 0x20000000. The application must go into Normal Mode, setting Mode to 0 in the Mode Register (see
acknowledge this command.
Perform a write access to any low-power DDR1-SDRAM address.
10. Write the refresh rate into the count field in the DDRSDRC Refresh Timer register (see
page 458). (Refresh rate =
delay between refresh cycles). The low-power DDR1-SDRAM device requires a refresh every 15.625 s or 7.81
s. With a 100 MHz frequency, the refresh timer count register must to be set with (15.625*100 MHz) = 1562 i.e.
0x061A or (7.81*100 MHz) = 781 i.e. 0x030d
11. After initialization, the low-power DDR1-SDRAM device is fully functional.
30.4.3 DDR2-SDRAM Initialization
The initialization sequence is generated by software. The DDR2-SDRAM devices are initialized by the following
Program the features of DDR2-SDRAM device into the Timing Register (asynchronous timing (trc, tras, etc.)), and
into the Configuration Register (number of columns, rows, banks, cas latency and output drive strength) (see
An NOP command is issued to the DDR2-SDRAM. Program the NOP command into the Mode Register, the appli-
DDR2-SDRAM address to acknowledge this command. Now clocks which drive DDR2-SDRAM device are
A minimum pause of 200 s is provided to precede any signal toggle.
An NOP command is issued to the DDR2-SDRAM. Program the NOP command into the Mode Register, the appli-
DDR2-SDRAM address to acknowledge this command. Now CKE is driven high.
An all banks precharge command is issued to the DDR2-SDRAM. Program all banks precharge command into the
form a write access to any DDR2-SDRAM address to acknowledge this command