ADC10: ADC input Channel 10. Note that ADC input channel 10 uses analog power.
PCINT15: Pin Change Interrupt source 15.
Port B, Bit 6 – ADC9/ T0/ INT0/ PCINT14
ADC9: ADC input Channel 9. Note that ADC input channel 9 uses analog power.
T0: Timer/Counter0 counter source.
INT0: The PB6 pin can serve as an External Interrupt source 0.
PCINT14: Pin Change Interrupt source 14.
Port B, Bit 5 – XTAL2/ CLKO/ ADC8/ PCINT13
XTAL2: Chip clock Oscillator pin 2. Used as clock pin for crystal Oscillator or Low-frequency
crystal Oscillator. When used as a clock pin, the pin can not be used as an I/O pin.
CLKO: The divided system clock can be output on the PB5 pin, if the CKOUT Fuse is
programmed, regardless of the PORTB5 and DDB5 settings. It will also be output during
OC1D Output Compare Match output: The PB5 pin can serve as an external output for the
Timer/Counter1 Compare Match D when configured as an output (DDA1 set). The OC1D pin
is also the output pin for the PWM mode timer function.
ADC8: ADC input Channel 8. Note that ADC input channel 8 uses analog power.
PCINT13: Pin Change Interrupt source 13.
Port B, Bit 4 – XTAL1/ CLKI/ OC1B/ ADC7/ PCINT12
XTAL1/CLKI: Chip clock Oscillator pin 1. Used for all chip clock sources except internal
calibrated RC Oscillator. When used as a clock pin, the pin can not be used as an I/O pin.
OC1D: Inverted Output Compare Match output: The PB4 pin can serve as an external output
for the Timer/Counter1 Compare Match D when configured as an output (DDA0 set). The
OC1D pin is also the inverted output pin for the PWM mode timer function.
ADC7: ADC input Channel 7. Note that ADC input channel 7 uses analog power.
PCINT12: Pin Change Interrupt source 12.
Port B, Bit 3 – OC1B/ PCINT11
OC1B, Output Compare Match output: The PB3 pin can serve as an external output for the
Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B. The PB3 pin has to be configured as an output (DDB3
set (one)) to serve this function. The OC1B pin is also the output pin for the PWM mode timer
PCINT11: Pin Change Interrupt source 11.
Port B, Bit 2 – SCK/ USCK/ SCL/ OC1B/ PCINT10
USCK: Three-wire mode Universal Serial Interface Clock.
SCL: Two-wire mode Serial Clock for USI Two-wire mode.
OC1B: Inverted Output Compare Match output: The PB2 pin can serve as an external output
for the Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B when configured as an output (DDB2 set). The
OC1B pin is also the inverted output pin for the PWM mode timer function.
PCINT10: Pin Change Interrupt source 10.