Transmit PCM and ADPCM data 8 kHz synchronous signal input.
Synchronize this signal with BCLK signal. XSYNC is used to indicate the MSB of the transmit
serial PCM and ADPCM data stream.
Be sure to input the XSYNC signal because it is also used as the input of the timing generator.
Receive PCM and ADPCM data synchronous signal input.
Synchronize this signal with BCLK signal. RSYNC is used to indicate the MSB of the receive
serial PCM and ADPCM data stream.
Transmit VOX function signal output.
VOX function recognizes the presence or absence of the transmit voice signal by detecting the
signal energy. “1” and “0” levels set on this pin correspond to the presence and the absence of
voice, respectively. This result appears at the register data CR7-B7. The signal energy detect
threshold is set by the control register data CR6-B6, B5.
Signal input for receive VOX function.
A “1” level at VOXI indicates the presence of a voice signal. The decoder block processes normal
receive signal, and the voice signal appears at the analog output pins . The “0” level indicates
the absence of a voice signal. Background noise generated in this device is transferred to the
analog output pins. The background noise amplitude is set by the control register CR6. Because
this signal is ORed with the register data CR6-B3, set the control register data CR6-B3 to digital