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61808 MS JK/12800TH (KT)/41594HK/O077KI/6066KI/6195KI, TS No.1868-1/17
The LA3401 is a multifunctional MPX demodulator IC designed for FM stereo electronic tuning. It features the VCO
non-adjusting function that eliminates the need to adjust free-running frequency of VCO and the accessory functions such
as FM/AM input, FM/AM input changeover, muting.
Home stereos, portable hi-fi sets.
Non-adjusting VCO : Eliminates the need to adjust free-running frequency.
Good temperature characteristic of VCO : ±0.1% typ. for ±50°C change.
Less high frequency distortion of stereo main signal (0.07% typ. at f = 10kHz)
(Non-adjusting PLL makes it possible to make the capture range narrower, providing less high frequency beat distortion
of stereo main signal.)
Low distortion :
Mono 0.01% typ.
Main 0.025% typ.
High S/N :
91dB typ./mono 300mV input, LPF
94dB typ./mono 400mV input, LPF
High voltage gain :
Approximately 13dB (Common to FM, AM at standard constants)
This gain can be varied by external constants.
Wide dynamic range :
Distortion 1.0%/mono 800mV, 1kHz input
(Post amplifier gain : Approximately 13dB)
The semifixed resistor (pin 4) for separation adjust can be changed to a fixed resistor or can be removed.
High ripple rejection :
34dB typ.
Monolithic Linear IC
VCO Non-Adjusting PLL FM MPX
Stereo Demodulator with FM
Ordering number : EN1868D