Apex Signal,
A Division of NAI, Inc.
631.567.1100/631.567.1823(fax) 3-20-01 S 7 7DS1 A001 REV A 1.2
170 Wilbur Place, Bohemia, NY, 11716,USA
/ e-mail:sales@naii.com Code:OVGU1 Page 4 of 8
Hi byte read holds Lo byte until read (ex. 330
=1110101010101011). For two-speed applications, write only to first
channel of channel pair (Coarse speed), and card will set angle of second channel (fine speed), to the Coarse angle
multiplied by the ratio. Note: writing to an input angle register will stop any rotation initiated on that channel.
Enter the desired ratio, as a binary number, in the Ratio Register corresponding to the pair of channels to be used as a
two-speed channel. Example: Single speed = 1; 36:1 = 100100.
Set the bit corresponding to each channel to be turned on, to “1” in Outputs On/Off Register at page 4,
18h. To turn OFF a channel, set corresponding bit to “0”. Default is OFF.
Read Wrap-Around Angles:
Read at addresses Page 2, 08h to 17h. AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES.
Rotation Rate:
Write to the corresponding Rotation Rate register a 2’s compliment number representing the
desired rotation rate, LSB = 0.15
/sec. Ex: 12 RPS =. (12 x 360
= 28800 = 7080h), -12 RPS = ( -12 x
= -28800 = 8F80h). Step size is 16 bits (0.0055
) for up to 1.5 RPS, then linearly increases to 12 bits
) at 13.6 RPS.
Rotation Mode, Continuous or Start/Stop:
For continuous rotation, set the corresponding channel bits to "1"
in the register at page 3, 18h. For rotation to cease at a designated stop angle, set the bit to
Stop Angles:
Write 16-bit binary data to appropriate address at page 3, 00h to 0Fh. After a channel reaches the
stop angle, it will stop rotating and remain at that angle until a new input angle is set. If rotation is initiated again, the
angle will start rotating from the present angle.
Initiate Rotation:
First set the Rotation Rate Registers and Rotation Mode Register, for each channel that is to
rotate. Then, to start rotation for those channels, set the corresponding channel bit to a “1” in the Rotation Initiate
Register at page 4, 1Ah.
Stop Rotation:
Set the corresponding bit, for each channel to be stopped, to a “1” in the Rotation Stop Register at
page 4, 1Ch. Channel will remain at the stopped angle until new input angles are set, or rotation is again initiated.
Rotation Completed:
Read the Rotation Completed Register at page 3, 16h. Each bit corresponds to a given
channel. A "1" = rotation completed, "0"=rotation in process.
Power-On Self-Test (POST)
will initiate the D3 test on Power-On, if POST is enabled and saved. Enable by
writing "1" or Disable by writing "0" to POST register at page 2, 18h
and then save setup.
D2 Test Enable:
Writing “1” to D2 of Test Enable Register at page 3, 1Ah
initiates automatic background BIT
testing that checks the output accuracy of each channel, by comparing the measured output angle, before the output
transformer, to the commanded angle, and monitors each Reference and Signal. The status bits will be set to
indicate an accuracy problem or Signal/Reference loss and the results can be read from Status Registers within 2
seconds. A “0” deactivates this test. The testing is totally transparent to the user, requires no external programming,
has no effect on the standard operation of this card and can be enabled or disabled via the bus. Outputs must be ON
for test to function. Card will write 55h
(every 2 seconds)
to D2 Test Verify Register at page 1, 18h
when D2 is
enabled. User can periodically clear to 0000h and then read page 1, 18h
again, after 2 seconds, to verify that BIT
Testing is activated. This test continuously sequences between the eight channels on the card with each output
being measured for approx. 180 mSec. If the measured angle has an error greater the 0.05o, a flag will be set in the
appropriate register. If the input angle is stepped more then 0.05o during a test cycle, the test cycle will not generally
indicate an error.
D3 Test Enable:
Writing “1” to D3 of Test Enable Register at page 3, 1Ah
initiates a BIT Test
that generates and
tests 72 different angles to a test accuracy of 0.05
. External reference is required and outputs must be ON. The
Status bits will be set to indicate an accuracy problem or Signal or Reference loss. Results are available in Status
Registers. Test cycle takes about 30 seconds and D3 changes from “1” to “0” when test is complete. The testing
CAUTION: Outputs must be ON
during this test and are therefore active. Check connected loads for possible interaction.