1997 Apr 01
Philips Semiconductors
Preliminary specification
1K dual mode serial EEPROM
The PCB2421 operates in two modes, the transmit-only
mode (DDC1) and the bidirectional mode (DDC2, or
C-bus mode). There is a separate two-wire protocol to
support each mode, each having a separate clock input
and sharing a common data line (SDA). The device enters
the transmit-only mode (DDC1) upon power-up. In this
mode the device transmits data bits on the SDA pin in
response to a clock signal on the VCLK pin. The device will
remain in this mode until a valid HIGH-to-LOW transition is
placed on the SCL input. When a valid transition on SCL is
recognized, the device will switch into the bidirectional
mode (see Fig.3). The only way to switch the device back
to the transmit-only mode (DDC1) is to remove power from
the device.
Transmit-only mode (DDC1)
The device will power-up in the transmit-only mode. This
mode supports a unidirectional two-wire protocol for
transmission of the contents of the memory array
(see Fig.12). The PCB2421 requires that it be initialized
prior to valid data being sent in the transmit-only mode
(see Section “Initialization procedure”, and Fig.4).
In this mode, data is transmitted on the SDA pin in 8-bit
bytes, each byte followed by a ninth clock pulse during
which time SDA is left high-impedance. The clock source
for the transmit-only mode is provided on the VCLK pin;
a data bit is output on the rising edge on this pin. The 8 bits
in each byte are transmitted most significant bit first. Each
byte within the memory array will be output in sequence.
When the last byte in the memory array is transmitted, the
output will wrap around to the first location and continue.
The bidirectional mode clock (SCL) pin must be held HIGH
for the device to remain in the transmit-only mode.
Initialization procedure
At power-on, after V
has stabilized, the device will be in
the transmit-only mode. Nine clock cycles on the VCLK pin
must be given to the device for it to perform internal
synchronization. During this period, the SDA pin will be in
a high-impedance state. On the rising edge of the tenth
clock cycle, the device will output the first valid data bit
which will be the most significant bit of a byte. The device
will power-up with address pointer at 00H (see Fig.4).
Bidirectional mode (DDC2B, I
C-bus mode)
The PCB2421 can be switched into the bidirectional mode
(see Fig.3) by applying a valid HIGH-to-LOW transition on
the bidirectional mode clock (SCL).
When the device has been switched into the bidirectional
mode, the VCLK input is disregarded. This mode supports
a two-wire bidirectional data transmission protocol
C-bus protocol). In the I
C-bus protocol, a device that
sends data on the bus is defined to be the transmitter, and
a device that receives data from the bus is defined to be
the receiver. The bus must be controlled by a master
device that generates the bidirectional mode clock,
controls access to the bus, and generates the START and
STOP conditions, while the PCB2421 acts as slave. Both
master and slave can operate as transmitter or receiver,
but the master device determines which mode is activated.
The following bus protocol has been defined:
Data transfer may be initiated only when the bus is not
During data transfer, the data line must remain stable
whenever the clock line is HIGH. Changes in the data
line while the clock line is HIGH will be interpreted as a
START or STOP condition.
Accordingly, the following bus conditions have been
defined (see Fig.6).
Both data (SDA) and clock (SCL) lines remain HIGH.
A HIGH-to-LOW transition of the SDA line while SCL is
HIGH determines a START condition. All commands must
be preceded by a START condition.
A LOW-to-HIGH transition of the SDA line while SCL is
HIGH determines a STOP condition. All operations must
be ended with a STOP condition.
The state of the data line represents valid data when, after
a START condition, the data line is stable for the duration
of the HIGH period of the clock signal. The data on the line
must be changed during the LOW period of the clock
signal. There is one clock pulse per bit of data. Each data
transfer is initiated with a START condition and terminated
with a STOP condition. The maximum number of data
bytes transferred between the START and STOP
conditions during a write operation is 8 bytes (see Section
“Page write” and Fig.5).