SBAS354 JUNE 2005
Software mode is selected by forcing the MODE input
(pin 12) high. Software mode operation provides full
access to the features of the PCM4108 by allowing the
writing and reading of on-chip control registers. This is
accomplished using the five-wire SPI port. The following
paragraphs provide a brief description of each function
available when using Software mode.
Digital Attenuation
The audio signal for each channel can be attenuated in the
digital domain using this function. Attenuation settings
from 0dB (unity gain) to 119.5dB are provided in 0.5dB
steps. In addition, the attenuation level may be set to the
mute state. The rate of change for the digital attenuation
function is one 0.5dB step for every eight LRCK periods.
Each channel has its own independent attenuation control,
accessed using control registers 1 through 4 in Banks A
and B. The reset default setting for all channels is 0dB, or
unity gain (no attenuation applied).
Digital De-Emphasis
The de-emphasis function is accessed through Control
Register 5 in Banks A and B using the DEM[1:0] bits. The
reset default setting is that the de-emphasis is disabled for
all four channels in each bank. De-emphasis filter
operation is described in the Standalone Mode
Configuration section of this data sheet.
Soft Mute
Each of the eight D/A converter channels has its own
independent soft mute control, located in Control Register
5, for Banks A and B.
The reset default is normal output for all eight channels
with the soft mute function disabled. The MUTE input (pin
14) also functions in Software mode, with a high input
forcing soft mute on all eight channels.
Zero Data Mute
The PCM4108 includes a zero data detection and mute
function in Software mode. This function automatically
mutes a given channel when 1024 consecutive LRCK
periods of all zero data are detected for that channel. The
zero data mute function is enabled and disabled using the
ZDM bit in Control Register 5 for Banks A and B. The zero
data mute function is disabled by default on power up or
Output Phase Reversal
The PCM4108 includes an output phase reversal function,
which provides the ability to invert the output phase for all
eight channels, either for testing or for matching various
output circuit configurations. This function is controlled
using the PHASE bit, located within Control Register 5, for
Banks A and B. The output phase is set to noninverted by
default on power up or reset.
Sampling Mode
Sampling mode configuration was discussed earlier in this
data sheet, with Table 1 providing a reference for common
sampling and system clock frequencies. The FS0 and FS1
bits located in Control Register 6 for Banks A and B. The
sampling made must be the same for both banks are used
to set the sampling mode. The sampling mode defaults to
Single Rate on power up or reset.
Power-Down Modes
The power-down control bits are located in Control
Register 6 for each bank. These bits are used to power
down pairs of D/A converters within the PCM4108. When
a channel pair is powered down, it ignores the audio data
inputs and sets its outputs to a high-impedance state. By
default, the power-down bits are disabled on power up or
Software Reset
This reset function allows a reset sequence to be initiated
under software control. All control registers are reset to
their default state. The reset bit, RST, is located in Control
Register 6, for Banks A and B. Setting this bit to 1 initiates
a one-time reset sequence. The RST bit is cleared by the
initialization sequence.
Audio Data Formats, LRCK Polarity, and BCK
Sampling Edge
Control Register 7 in Banks A and B is used to configure
the PCM4108 audio serial port. Audio serial port operation
was discussed previously in this data sheet. The control
regarding the register functions and their default settings.
additional information