The number of devices, N, needed to achieve a given sample
rate can be derived from the following formula:
NnS > nS + PK + D for no overlapping
NnS > 2 X [nS + PK + D] for 50% overlapping
NnS > 4 X [nS + PK + D] for 75% overlapping
N is the number of devices, n is the transform size, S is the DIS
strobe period, P is the number of system clock periods given
in Table 4, K is the system clock period, and D is the total dump
time including 4 extra DOS periods as discussed previously.
The DIS and DOS periods are any value defined by the user,
down to the system clock period. Note that DIS should be
synchronous to SCLK, and also DOS should be synchronous
to SCLK.
In this mode increasing the output clock frequency will allow
a greater continuous input rate. The provision of separate DIS
and DOS pins allows this to be mechanized, and the DOS
frequency can be increased to that of the system clock used
internally. When the sum of the dump time (including four
extra DOS periods for output priming ) plus 12 system clock
periods (the transform time variation caused by input
synchronization) is less than the load time, one device will be
guaranteed to have finished dumping before the next one
starts. The inverted DAV to DEN connection between devices
is then not needed, and all DEN inputs can be grounded.
The LFLG transitions occur at the same times as Mode 1,
except that the double transition does not occur with multiple
concurrent transforms. Fig. 10 illustrates a timing sequence
with three devices. Real transforms still only use the real
inputs regardless of the amount of block overlapping.
Mode 3 (BITS 10:9 = 11)
Multiple device Mode 3 is provided in order to improve the
performance when block overlapping is needed, and separate
output processors are provided. In this mode transfers in and
out of the device are never concurrent with transform
operations. The device will actually load extra data such that
the required data to perform two overlapped transforms is
stored internally. The amount of internal RAM prohibits the
use of this mode when performing overlapped 1024 point
LFLG will go in-active after a normal data block have been
loaded, regardless of the overlap selected. The device,
however, continues to load more data. Thus, for example, in
the 4 x 64 mode, five 64 point blocks will be loaded. This
technique allows each device in the system to complete two
or four overlapped transforms (depending on the amount of
overlap) before any new data is needed. When doing a
straightforward 256 point transform the device will load 256 +
128 data points.
The full benefits are only obtained if more than one output
processor is provided, but an extra processor is not always
necessary for every device. Sampling rates up to the system
clock rate are possible. The equations defining the sampling
rates become:
(N - 1)L > 2PK + 2D for 50% overlaps
(N - 1)L > 4PK + 4D for 75% overlaps
where L is the time needed to load a normal block of data but
not including the extra data, P is the number of system clock
periods given in Table 4, K is the system clock period, and D
is the total dump time including 4 extra DOS periods. As
before, both DIS and DOS must be synchronous to SCLK.
When real transforms are to be performed on single sourced
data, an external FIFO is needed to provide pairs of data
blocks. These are loaded simultaneously into the real and
imaginary inputs. See the section on real transforms.
Operating Modes
The operating mode of the PDSP16515A is determined by the
condition of 16 bits in an internal Control Register. The status
of these bits is defined by the inputs present on the AUX15:0
pins when the DEF input is active. The DEF input can be a
simple power on reset if the operating mode is fixed once
power is supplied. The AUX pins are also used to provide the
imaginary component of the complex input data. Thus, if
complex inputs are needed, the mode definition must be
implemented through a tri-state buffer which is only enabled
when DEF is active. The imaginary input data must be
disabled during this time.
Table 6 lists the functionality of each of the bits in the mode
control register, and further explanations are as follows:-
BITS 2:0
These bits define one of 7 options for the sample size and type
of data. In the 1024 point options the device will assume the
non concurrent operating mode, regardless of whether a
single or multiple device system is specified. The internal
control logic will then ensure that data is loaded, transformed,
and dumped in sequential operations.
For other data set sizes, loading, transforming, and dumping,
can all occur simultaneously with a single device; the actual
overlap will be dependent on the relative occurrences of the
INEN input. Only in Mode 1 can concurrent operations be done
with multiple devices.
This bit determines the number of right shifts built into the data
path. In either condition only two right shifts occur during the
first pass. If the bit is reset, three shifts occur in subsequent
passes and the block floating point scheme allows up to fifteen
compensating left shifts. If it is set, two shifts occur in every
pass and overflow is possible. This is indicated by reducing the
number of compensating left shifts to fourteen, and using
scale tag value fifteen to indicate that overflow has occurred.