occur, until DEN is finally received. This modification to the
internal control logic ensures that the output buffer does not
impose unnecessary gaps between consecutive transforms.
These gaps would, in turn, force the required DOS frequency
to be greater than the DIS frequency ( or greater than twice or
four times the frequency with 50% and 75% overlaps ).
The system illustrated by Figure 9 produces a common
DAV output by OR'ing together all the individual, active low,
DAV outputs. This is not guaranteed to give an indication when
one transform has finished, and the next one has started,
since it may simply glitch as one DAV goes in-active and the
next one goes active after some delay. This glitch will not
cause system problems since it occurs at a point clear of the
high going edge of the DOS strobe. To provide a marker for
the end of a transform each in-active going DAV edge should
set its own latch, which is then reset by a subsequent DOS
edge. The output of the latches can then be OR'd together if
Three multiple device operating modes are actually pro-
vided, and are selected with Control Register Bits 10:9. The
choice of a particular mode is application dependent, and will
effect the maximum sampling rate achievable with a given
number of devices.
MODE 1. (BITS 10:9 = 01)
In this mode transfers in and out of the device are concurrent
with transform operations. This mode must not be used for
1024 point transforms due to internal memory size restric-
tions. When real transforms are performed in this mode, only
the real data input is used, regardless of the amount of block
The increase in performance is directly related to the
number of devices provided, but the input and output rates are
limited to F
where F and
are as defined previously. Within
this restriction the theoretical performance is given by;
NnS > PK+4W, or 0.5NnS > PK+4W, or 0.25NnS > PK+4W
for 0%, 50%, or 75% overlapping. N is the number of devices,
n is the transform size, S is the DIS strobe period, P is the
number of system clock periods given in Table 4, K is the
system clock period, and W is the DOS strobe period. Note
that DIS should be synchronous to SCLK, and also that DOS
should be synchronous to SCLK.
If an output processor is provided for every device, two
devices with 50% block overlapping or four devices with 75%
block overlapping will give the same sampling rates as a single
device with no overlapping. If only one output processor is
provided, the two or four times increase needed in the output
rate over the input rate, usually imposes a limit on the input
rate, since the output rate is limited to a factor, F, of SCLK.
In this operating mode the DIS and DOS strobes can
often be tied together, since a faster DOS strobe gives no
improvement in the sampling rates possible. This remains true
even when the output rate must be twice or four times the input
rate due to block overlapping. Options can then be used which
internally divide the DIS strobe by two or four, and thus allow
the input to be driven by the faster DOS strobe.
In this mode the LFLG goes in-active after 25%, 50%, or
100% of the block has been loaded. When multiple transforms
are performed concurrently (for example 4 x 64) a LFLG
transition occurs at the relevant point whilst the first block in
the group is being loaded. LFLG then goes high again and
returns low at the overlap point in the last block. This double
LFLG transition allows two devices to support 50% block
overlapping, since the first transition from the first device can
be used to initiate the load procedure in the second device.
The second transition from the second device then initiates a
new load procedure in the first device. The additional edges
from each device have no effect since they occur when the
device they are driving is already doing a load operation.
In such a two device system supporting 50% overlaps the
inverted DAV from the first device must drive the DEN input of
the second device. The data dumping time is then shared
equally between both devices. The second device only out-
puts data when the first has finished, but both dumps must be
finished in the time taken to load the group of blocks if only one
output processor is provided. Without the DAV/DEN connec-
tion one device would only have had the time needed to load
half of one sub block in which to dump its data.
In a similar manner four devices will handle 75% overlaps
when concurrent multiple transforms are to be computed. The
second, third, and fourth devices make use of the first transi-
tion, and ignore the second. The first device uses the second
transition from the last device, and ignores the first. With the
DAV/DEN connection each device will have one quarter of the
load time to dump its data when a single output processor is
provided .
More than two devices will provide increased perform-
ance for multiple transforms with 50% overlapping, and more
than four devices will increase the performance with 75%
overlapping. External logic is then needed to ensure that each
device only uses the correct LFLG transition. Any device
should only use the negative LFLG transition from a previous
device if its own LFLG is low, and the LFLG output from the
previous device plus one is low.
MODE 2 (BITS 10:9 = 10)
This mode is suitable for all transform sizes, since separate
load, transform, and then dump operations occur. More de-
vices than required by Mode 1 are necessary to achieve a
given sampling rate, but the input and output rates can be any
value up to the full system clock rate with the A grade part. As
with Mode 1, additional output processors are needed to
avoid the sampling rate restriction imposed by block overlap-
The number of devices, N, needed to achieve a given
sample rate can be derived from the following formula:
NnS > nS + PK + D for no overlapping
NnS > 2 X [nS + PK + D] for 50% overlapping
NnS > 4 X [nS + PK + D] for 75% overlapping
N is the number of devices, n is the transform size, S is the DIS
strobe period, P is the number of system clock periods given
in Table 4, K is the system clock period, and D is the total dump
time including 4 extra DOS periods as discussed previously.
The DIS and DOS periods are any value defined by the user,
down to the system clock period with the A grade part. Note
that DIS should be synchronous to SCLK, and also DOS