1996 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS30412C-page 233
Figure 19-2:
External Clock Timing............................... 184
Figure 19-3:
CLKOUT and I/O Timing........................... 185
Figure 19-4:
Reset, Watchdog Timer,
Oscillator Start-Up Timer, and
Power-Up Timer Timing............................ 186
Figure 19-5:
Timer0 Clock Timings ............................... 187
Figure 19-6:
Timer1, Timer2, and Timer3 Clock
Timings ..................................................... 187
Figure 19-7:
Capture Timings ....................................... 188
PWM Timings ........................................... 188
Figure 19-9:
USART Module: Synchronous
Transmission (Master/Slave) Timing ........ 189
Figure 19-10: USART Module: Synchronous
Receive (Master/Slave) Timing................. 189
Figure 19-11: Memory Interface Write Timing
(Not Supported in PIC17LC4X Devices)... 190
Figure 19-12: Memory Interface Read Timing
(Not Supported in PIC17LC4X Devices)... 191
Figure 20-1:
Typical RC Oscillator Frequency vs.
Temperature ............................................. 193
Figure 20-2:
Typical RC Oscillator Frequency
vs. VDD...................................................... 194
Figure 20-3:
Typical RC Oscillator Frequency
vs. VDD...................................................... 194
Figure 20-4:
Typical RC Oscillator Frequency
vs. VDD...................................................... 195
Figure 20-5:
Transconductance (gm) of LF Oscillator
vs. VDD...................................................... 196
Figure 20-6:
Transconductance (gm) of XT Oscillator
vs. VDD...................................................... 196
Figure 20-7:
Typical IDD vs. Frequency (External
Clock 25
°C)............................................... 197
Figure 20-8:
Maximum IDD vs. Frequency (External
Clock 125
°C to -40°C) .............................. 197
Figure 20-9:
Typical IPD vs. VDD Watchdog
Disabled 25
°C........................................... 198
Figure 20-10: Maximum IPD vs. VDD Watchdog
Disabled.................................................... 198
Figure 20-11: Typical IPD vs. VDD Watchdog
Enabled 25
°C............................................ 199
Figure 20-12: Maximum IPD vs. VDD Watchdog
Enabled..................................................... 199
Figure 20-13: WDT Timer Time-Out Period vs. VDD....... 200
Figure 20-14: IOH vs. VOH, VDD = 3V .............................. 200
Figure 20-15: IOH vs. VOH, VDD = 5V .............................. 201
Figure 20-16: IOL vs. VOL, VDD = 3V ............................... 201
Figure 20-17: IOL vs. VOL, VDD = 5V ............................... 202
Figure 20-18: VTH (Input Threshold Voltage) of
I/O Pins (TTL) VS. VDD.............................. 202
Figure 20-19: VTH, VIL of I/O Pins (Schmitt Trigger)
. VDD ..................................................... 203
Figure 20-20: VTH (Input Threshold Voltage) of OSC1
Input (In XT and LF Modes) vs. VDD........ 203
Table 1-1:
PIC17CXX Family of Devices ....................... 6
Table 3-1:
Pinout Descriptions..................................... 12
Table 4-1:
Time-Out in Various Situations ................... 16
Table 4-2:
STATUS Bits and Their Significance .......... 16
Table 4-3:
Reset Condition for the Program Counter
and the CPUSTA Register.......................... 16
Table 4-4:
Initialization Conditions For Special
Function Registers...................................... 19
Table 5-1:
Interrupt Vectors/Priorities .......................... 25
Table 6-1:
Mode Memory Access ................................ 30
Table 6-2:
EPROM Memory Access Time
Ordering Suffix ............................................31
Table 6-3:
Special Function Registers..........................34
Table 7-1:
Interrupt - Table Write Interaction................45
Table 8-1:
Performance Comparison ...........................49
Table 9-1:
PORTA Functions .......................................54
Table 9-2:
Registers/Bits Associated with PORTA.......54
Table 9-3:
PORTB Functions .......................................57
Table 9-4:
Registers/Bits Associated with PORTB.......57
Table 9-5:
PORTC Functions .......................................59
Table 9-6:
Registers/Bits Associated with PORTC.......59
Table 9-7:
PORTD Functions .......................................61
Table 9-8:
Registers/Bits Associated with PORTD.......61
Table 9-9:
PORTE Functions .......................................63
Table 9-10:
Registers/Bits Associated with PORTE.......63
Table 11-1:
Registers/Bits Associated with Timer0 ........70
Table 12-1:
Turning On 16-bit Timer ..............................74
Table 12-2:
Summary of Timer1 and Timer2
Registers .....................................................74
Table 12-3:
PWM Frequency vs. Resolution at
25 MHz ........................................................76
Table 12-4:
Registers/Bits Associated with PWM ..........77
Table 12-5:
Registers Associated with Capture .............79
Table 12-6:
Summary of TMR1, TMR2, and TMR3
Registers .....................................................81
Table 13-1:
Baud Rate Formula .....................................86
Table 13-2:
Registers Associated with Baud Rate
Generator ....................................................86
Table 13-3:
Baud Rates for Synchronous Mode ............87
Table 13-4:
Baud Rates for Asynchronous Mode...........88
Table 13-5:
Registers Associated with Asynchronous
Transmission ...............................................90
Table 13-6:
Registers Associated with Asynchronous
Reception ....................................................92
Table 13-7:
Registers Associated with Synchronous
Master Transmission ...................................94
Table 13-8:
Registers Associated with Synchronous
Master Reception ........................................96
Table 13-9:
Registers Associated with Synchronous
Slave Transmission .....................................98
Table 13-10:
Registers Associated with Synchronous
Slave Reception ..........................................98
Table 14-1:
Configuration Locations.............................100
Table 14-2:
Capacitor Selection for Ceramic
Resonators ................................................101
Table 14-3:
Capacitor Selection for Crystal
OscillatoR ..................................................101
Table 14-4:
Registers/Bits Associated with the
Watchdog Timer ........................................104
Table 15-1:
Opcode Field Descriptions ........................107
Table 15-2:
PIC17CXX Instruction Set .........................110
Table 16-1:
development tools from microchip.............146
Table 17-1:
Cross Reference of Device Specs for
Oscillator Configurations and Frequencies
of Operation (Commercial Devices) ..........148
Table 17-2:
External Clock Timing Requirements ........155
Table 17-3:
CLKOUT and I/O Timing Requirements....156
Table 17-4:
Reset, Watchdog Timer,
Oscillator Start-Up Timer and
Power-Up Timer Requirements.................157
Table 17-5:
Timer0 Clock Requirements......................158
Table 17-6:
Timer1, Timer2, and Timer3 Clock
Requirements ............................................158
Table 17-7:
Capture Requirements ..............................159
Table 17-8:
PWM Requirements ..................................159