DS39778B-page 170
2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
Master Port Modes
In its Master modes, the PMP module provides an 8-bit
data bus, up to 16 bits of address, and all the necessary
control signals to operate a variety of external parallel
devices, such as memory devices, peripherals and
slave microcontrollers. To use the PMP as a master,
the module must be enabled (PMPEN =
) and the
mode must be set to one of the two possible Master
modes (PMMODEH<1:0> =
Because there are a number of parallel devices with a
variety of control methods, the PMP module is
designed to be extremely flexible to accommodate a
range of configurations. Some of these features
8 and 16-Bit Data modes on an 8-bit data bus
Configurable address/data multiplexing
Up to two chip select lines
Up to 16 selectable address lines
Address auto-increment and auto-decrement
Selectable polarity on all control lines
Configurable wait states at different stages of the
read/write cycle
Multiple control bits are used to configure the presence
or absence of control and address signals in the mod-
ule. These bits are PTBEEN, PTWREN, PTRDEN, and
PTEN<15:0>. They give the user the ability to conserve
pins for other functions and allow flexibility to control
the external address. When any one of these bits is set,
the associated function is present on its associated pin;
when clear, the associated pin reverts to its defined I/O
port function.
Setting a PTEN bit will enable the associated pin as an
address pin and drive the corresponding data con-
tained in the PMADDR register. Clearing the PTENx bit
will force the pin to revert to its original I/O function.
For the pins configured as chip select (PMCS1 or
PMCS2) with the corresponding PTENx bit set, chip
select pins drive inactive data (with polarity defined by
the CS1P and CS2P bits) when a read or write opera-
tion is not being performed. The PTEN0 and PTEN1
bits also control the PMALL and PMALH signals. When
multiplexing is used, the associated address latch
signals should be enabled.
The PMP module supports two distinct read/write
_signaling methods. In Master mode 1, read and write
strobes are combined into a single control line,
PMRD/PMWR. A second control line, PMENB, deter-
mines when a read or write action is to be taken. In
Master mode 2, separate read and write strobes
(PMRD and PMWR) are supplied on separate pins.
All control signals (PMRD, PMWR, PMBE, PMENB,
PMAL and PMCSx) can be individually configured as
either positive or negative polarity. Configuration is
controlled by separate bits in the PMCONL register.
Note that the polarity of control signals that share the
same output pin (for example, PMWR and PMENB) are
controlled by the same bit; the configuration depends
on which Master Port mode is being used.
The PMP supports data widths of both 8 and 16 bits.
The data width is selected by the MODE16 bit
(PMMODEH<2>). Because the data path into and out
of the module is only 8 bits wide, 16-bit operations are
always handled in a multiplexed fashion, with the Least
Significant Byte of data being presented first. To differ-
entiate data bytes, the Byte Enable (PMBE) control
strobe is used to signal when the Most Significant Byte
of data is being presented on the data lines.
In either of the Master modes (PMMODEH<1:0> =
the user can configure the address bus to be multiplexed
together with the data bus. This is accomplished using
the ADRMUX1:ADRMUX0 bits (PMCONH<4:3>). There
are three address multiplexing modes available; typical
pinout configurations for these modes are shown in
Figure 11-9, Figure 11-10 and Figure 11-11.
In Demultiplexed mode (PMCONH<4:3> =
), data
and address information are completely separated.
Data bits are presented on PMD<7:0>, and address
In Partially Multiplexed mode (PMCONH<4:3> =
the lower eight bits of the address are multiplexed with
the data pins on PMD<7:0>. The upper eight bits of
address are unaffected and are presented on
PMADDRH<7:0>. The PMA0 pin is used as an address
latch and presents the Address Latch Low (PMALL)
enable strobe. The read and write sequences are
extended by a complete CPU cycle during which the
address is presented on the PMD<7:0> pins.
In Fully Multiplexed mode (PMCONH<4:3> =
), the
entire 16 bits of the address are multiplexed with the
data pins on PMD<7:0>. The PMA0 and PMA1 pins are
used to present Address Latch Low (PMALL) enable
and Address Latch High (PMALH) enable strobes,
respectively. The read and write sequences are
extended by two complete CPU cycles. During the first
cycle, the lower eight bits of the address are presented
on the PMD<7:0> pins with the PMALL strobe active.
During the second cycle, the upper eight bits of the
address are presented on the PMD<7:0> pins with the
PMALH strobe active. In the event the upper address
bits are configured as chip select pins, the
corresponding address bits are automatically forced
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