PIC18F66K80 Plug-in Module for PICDEM PIC18 Explorer Board
The PIC18F66K80 Plug-in Module (PIM) is an accessory to the PICDEM PIC18
Explorer Board that allows users to easily experiment with the PIC18F66K80 family of
microcontrollers. PIC18F66K80 is the superset member of the family and this PIM can
be used to evaluate and develop with the PIC18F66K80 products. The PIM takes the
place of the on-board PIC18F8722 device. This enables users to quickly evaluate the
new PIC18FK Flash devices without having to buy a completely new demo board.
Getting Started with the PIM
1. Make sure the on-board PIC18F66K80 is programmed to allow the MCLR Reset
pin to function as a Reset pin. If the MCLR is configured to be used for general
purpose I/O, the on-board PIC18F66K80 may interfere with PIM usage, even when
the board is switched to ICE mode.
2. Verify that the PICDEM PIC18 Explorer Board is not powered.
3. Set switch, S4, to the “ICE” position. This will hold the on-board PIC18F8722 in
Reset, allowing the PIM to function instead.
4. Line up the PIM so its 3-pin female header aligns with the 3-pin riser on the
PICDEM PIC18 Explorer Board, then plug the PIM into the demo board.
5. Apply power to the demo board. Be sure that VDD is correct for the device being
used (5V for PIC18F66K80). If it is not correct, disconnect power and check that
the 3-pin female header is aligned properly with the demo board’s 3-pin riser.
Changes to PICDEM PIC18 Explorer Board Configuration
The difference of available I/O pins between the PICDEM PIC18 Explorer Board’s
PIC18F8722 device and the PIM’s PIC18F66K80 device causes some changes in the
operation of the PICDEM PIC18 Explorer Board.
1. Most I/O lines connected to the PICDEM PIC18 Explorer Board’s PICtail
connector, J3/J5/J7/J11 silkscreen, will map 1:1 with PIC18F66K80 I/O pins.
2. The UART pinout is different on the PIC18F66K80 compared to other PIC18
devices. In order to use serial communication through the serial port on the PIC18
Explorer Board, pin, RG0, must be connected to RC7 and pin, RG1, must be con-
nected to RC6. This can be done with two jumpers connecting the two pins using
the two debug headers on the Explorer Board.
3. The PIC18F66K80 can operate between 1.8V and 5V. The supplied voltage can be
adjusted by populating the PIM board’s R101 and R102 resistors. For more detailed
information on varying the device voltage, see “PICDEM PIC18 Explorer
Demonstration Board User’s Guide”, Section 2.3.3 “Calculating Other VDD Values”.
Demonstration Firmware
The PIM is programmed with firmware demonstrating basic features on the PIC18
Explorer Board. The source for the PIC18F66K80 PIM demo code may be downloaded
from the Microchip web site.
For More Information
The complete schematic and user’s guide for the PICDEM PIC18 Explorer Board,
as well as the data sheet for the PIC18F66K80 family of microcontrollers are
available on the Microchip web site: http://www.microchip.com/PIC18K
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