DS61168D-page 176
2011-2012 Microchip Technology Inc.
bit 7
GCEN: General Call Enable bit (when operating as I2C slave)
1 = Enable interrupt when a general call address is received in the I2CxRSR
(module is enabled for reception)
0 = General call address disabled
bit 6
STREN: SCLx Clock Stretch Enable bit (when operating as I2C slave)
Used in conjunction with SCLREL bit.
1 = Enable software or receive clock stretching
0 = Disable software or receive clock stretching
bit 5
ACKDT: Acknowledge Data bit (when operating as I2C master, applicable during master receive)
Value that is transmitted when the software initiates an Acknowledge sequence.
1 = Send NACK during Acknowledge
0 = Send ACK during Acknowledge
bit 4
ACKEN: Acknowledge Sequence Enable bit
(when operating as I2C master, applicable during master receive)
1 = Initiate Acknowledge sequence on SDAx and SCLx pins and transmit ACKDT data bit.
Hardware clear at end of master Acknowledge sequence.
0 = Acknowledge sequence not in progress
bit 3
RCEN: Receive Enable bit (when operating as I2C master)
1 = Enables Receive mode for I2C. Hardware clear at end of eighth bit of master receive data byte.
0 = Receive sequence not in progress
bit 2
PEN: Stop Condition Enable bit (when operating as I2C master)
1 = Initiate Stop condition on SDAx and SCLx pins. Hardware clear at end of master Stop sequence.
0 = Stop condition not in progress
bit 1
RSEN: Repeated Start Condition Enable bit (when operating as I2C master)
1 = Initiate Repeated Start condition on SDAx and SCLx pins. Hardware clear at end of
master Repeated Start sequence.
0 = Repeated Start condition not in progress
bit 0
SEN: Start Condition Enable bit (when operating as I2C master)
1 = Initiate Start condition on SDAx and SCLx pins. Hardware clear at end of master Start sequence.
0 = Start condition not in progress
Note 1: When using 1:1 PBCLK divisor, the user’s software should not read/write the peripheral’s SFRs in the
SYSCLK cycle immediately following the instruction that clears the module’s ON bit.