Issue 1.4
Page 6
Function specification
Int sendstop( )
Parameters are:
Parameters returned
int ErrCode
If the software fails to open a handle to the driver 0x9000 is returned.
If the transfer time out occurs error code 8002H is returned otherwise the
status is returned.
Adapter must be configured using
Should normally only be used at the
end of a transmission. Correct acknowledge sequence must have been
applied if the transmission was a read.
Functional description
Instruct the adapter to send a stop code and wait for it to be sent.
Should a time-out occur during the sending of a stop then an error code
8002H is returned, otherwise the status is returned.
Function specification
Int restart(int slaveaddress, int setnack)
Parameters are:
int slaveaddress
The address to be accessed via the I2C, e.g. A1H.
int setnack
This controls whether the Parallel I2C Communications Adapter transmits an
Acknowledge down the I2C Bus on reception of a byte. The last byte received
during a transfer must not be acknowledged, in all other cases acknowledge
must be enabled. If setnack = 0 then acknowledge is enabled, if setnack = 1
then acknowledge is disabled. Therefore, if a read (odd numbered) address is
being sent AND only 1 Byte is to be read, setnack should be set to = 1; in all
other cases it must be clear = 0.
Parameters returned
int ErrCode
If the software fails to open a handle to the driver 0x9000 is returned.
If the transfer time out occurs error code 8003H is returned otherwise the
status is returned.
Adapter must be configured using
A start and slave address must
have previously been sent using
Usually a data pointer would already have been written using
Functional description
Sends a start code and the slave address specified and presets the
acknowledge status depending on the value of setnack.
The acknowledge is set ready for the data transfer after the address and
hence in read mode (odd address being sent) if only one byte is to be read
the setnack parameter must equal 1. If more than one byte is to be read or if
in write mode (even address being sent) then setnack must equal 0.
The function waits for the address to be sent. Should a time-out occur during
the sending of an address then an error code 8003H is returned, otherwise
the status is returned.
Function specification
Int getstatus(void)
Parameters are:
Parameters returned
int I2Cstatus