Semiconductor Group
SLB 0587
Retriggering if the triac does not remain triggered after the trigger pulse.This can
occur in particular on highly inductive loads (idling transformer with a small mag-
netizing current) and insensitive triacs. Approx. 1.5 ms (1.25 ms at 60 Hz) after each
trigger pulse from SLB 0587 the conducting state on the triac is sampled via pin 4 of
the IC. If the triac still remains turned off, one-shot retriggering will follow. If the
frequency of retriggering exceeds an internally defined limit value, there will be a
Safety Cutout
The purpose of the safety cutout is to prevent thermal destruction of primarily inductive loads
(idling transformer) in the event of very lossy instances of operation. Despite the safety pre-
cautions that are integrated, you should only use transformers with thermal protection.
Safety cutout occurs when the count of an 4-bit up/down counter reaches 15. The count is
determined by the ratio of the up/down counting rates. The up-counting rate is the appearance
of high saturation currents and retriggering. A down counting increment is produced when the
count is other than zero at every fifteenth line half-wave. The count is zeroed in the off state
and when short line outages are detected.
Operation (Figure 3)
The integrated circuit can distinguish the instructions ON/OFF and Change of Phase Control
Angle by the duration of sensor touching.
Turning ON/OFF
Short touching (50 to 400 ms) of the sensor area turns the lamp ON or OFF, depending on its
preceding state. The switching process is activated as soon as the sensor is released.
Setting of the Phase Control Angle
If the sensor is touched for a longer period (exceeding 400 ms) the angle of current flow will be
varied continuously. It runs accross the control loop in approximately 7.6 s up and down (e.g.
bright – dark – bright) until the sensor is released.
Easy operation, even in the lower brightness range of incandescent lamps, is enabled by the
following procedure:
The phase control angle is controlled such that the lamp brightness varies physiologically li-
near with the operating time and pauses for a short period when the minimum brightness is
(synchronizing input) in the application circuit
(figure 4)
, the angle of current
flow can be controlled for purely resistive loads between 45
and 152
of the half-wave.