Response Time
The QT113's response time is highly dependent
on burst length, which in turn is dependent on Cs
and Cx (see Charts 1, 2). With increasing Cs,
response time slows, while increasing levels of
Cs reduce response time.
Chart 3 shows the
typical effects of Cs and Cx on response time.
HeartBeat Signal
The QT113's HeartBeat pulse works exactly the
same as in the QT110 except that the HeartBeat
rate is the same as the burst rate, which can vary
from 2ms to 100ms depending on Cs and Cx.
Detection methods for this health indicator
should take this into account. As with the QT110,
the HB signal can be suppressed if not wanted
by a variety of simple methods.
Package Marking
DIP Package: DIP devices are marked
SO8 Package: Marked 'QT1' and also laserscribed '3'