Automatic pass-through/wrap/
transparent mode communication
Requires only 1 standard SERDES for
inter-board communication
Loss of sync detection with
performance counters
CRC detection
N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g .
MATE Interface
XGMII 10 gigabit interface
4, 8-bit channels at 312.5 MHz
(10.0 Gbit/s total capacity)
Microprocessor Interface
16-bit, asynchronous interface, up to
100 MHz
Multiple interrupt reporting
Send and receive buffers for IPS and
topology packets
1.5/1.8/3.3 V power supplies
899-pin Hyper BGA Flip Chip
-40 °C to 85
C operation
~5.18 W
JTAG Compliant
100 MHz or 200 MHz reference clock
Hard and soft reset
CRC generation and checking
Extensive loopback features for
Key Features
High speed SRP MAC
Up to OC-192 (10 Gbit/s) throughput
Supports SRP, POS, Native Ethernet
1 MB low-priority transit buffer
32 KB high-priority transit buffer
Giant, runt and short packet filters
Supports IPS and topology discovery
899-pin Hyper BGA package
Modes of Operation
Dual ring mode
Wrap mode
Pass-through mode
Transparent mode
Passive and active sniffer modes
Operational Speeds
Packet Formats
POS (in transparent mode)
Native Ethernet
RX/TX Framer
Host Interface
64-bits HSTL @200 MHz
OIF SPI-4 Phase 1 compliant interface
Giant, runt and short packet filtering
with PM counters
Data and control parity bit checking
with PM counters
Traffic flow monitoring
Host-side leaky bucket rate limiters -
high/low priority
Data parity fault insertion for system
and software test
Counters for high/low priority
unicast/multicast packets and bytes
Lookup / Statistics
CAM Functions
1024 Double (source, destination or
both) address entries
1024 Double address counters
CAM S/W features: read/write/
probe/reset individual entries
8 coarse multicast address filters
accept or reject on match
Multicast accept/reject capability
for individual addresses
Transit Buffer
Internal source and sink for usage
Internal 1 MB low and 32 KB high
priority buffers
Counters for high/low priority
unicast/multicast packets and bytes
Counters for min, max and average
delay in transit buffers
R h e a
R e s i l i e n t R i n g P r o c e s s o r
O C - 4 8 / O C - 1 9 2 S R P M A C
Semiconductor Solutions for
High Speed Communications
and Fiber Optic Applications
The Infineon Resilient Ring Processor is a packet opti-
mized transport engine designed to enable the first
generation of Resilient Packet Rings (RPR) for metro-
politan area networks. Its feature-rich design supports
spatial reuse protocol (SRP) at speeds up to 10 Gbit/s.
It incorporates packet support for both POS and native
Ethernet with the flexibility to transport across SONET,
DWDM or dark fiber. The Infineon Resilient Ring Proces-
sor is uniquely positioned to enable cost-effective resil-
iency and QoS for growing, high-speed IP networks.