SAB 80C515/80C535
Semiconductor Group
Serial Port
The serial port of the SAB 80C515 enables full duplex communication between microcontrol-
lers or between microcontroller and peripheral devices.
The serial port can operate in 4 modes:
Mode 0: Shift register mode. Serial data enters and exits through R
D. T
D outputs the
shift clock. 8-bits are transmitted/received: 8 data bits (LSB first).
The baud rate is fixed at 1/12 of the oscillator frequency.
Mode 1: 10-bits are transmitted (through R
D) or received (through T
D): a start bit (0),
8 data bits (LSB first), and a stop bit (1). The baud rate is variable.
Mode 2: 11-bits are transmitted (through R
D) or received (through T
D): a start bit (0),
8 data bits (LSB first), a programmable 9th data bit, and a stop bit (1).
The baud rate is programmable to either 1/32 or 1/64 of the oscillator frequency.
Mode 3: 11-bits are transmitted (through T
D) or received (through R
D): a start bit (0),
8 data bits (LSB first), a programmable 9th data bit, and a stop bit (1). Mode 3
is identical to mode 2 except for the baud rate. The baud rate in mode 3 is variable.
The variable baud rates in modes 1 and 3 can be generated by timer 1 or an internal
baud rate generator.
A/D Converter
The 8-bit A/D converter of the SAB 80C515 has eight multiplexed analog inputs (Port 6) and
uses the successive approximation method.
There are three characteristic time frames in a conversion cycle (see A/D converter
characteristics): the conversion time
, which is the time required for one conversion; the
sample time
which is included in the conversion time and is measured from the start of the
conversion; the load time
, which in turn is part of the sample time and also is measured from
the conversion start.
Within the load time
, the analog input capacitance
must be loaded to the analog inpult
voltage level. For the rest of the sample time
, after the load time has passed, the selected
analog input must be held constant. During the rest of the conversion time
the conversion
itself is actually performed. Conversion can be programmed to be single or continuous; at the
end of a conversion an interrupt can be generated.
A unique feature is the capability of internal reference voltage programming. The internal
reference voltages
for the A/D converter both are programmable to one
of 16 steps with respect to the external reference voltages. This feature permits a conversion
with a smaller internal reference voltage range to gain a higher resolution.
In addition, the internal reference voltages can easily be adapted by software to the desired
analog input voltage range.
Figure 4 shows a block diagram of the A/D converter.