Asynchronous/Synchr. Serial Interface
Data Sheet
Six interrupt sources are provided for serial channel ASC. Line TIR indicates a transmit
interrupt, TBIR indicates a transmit buffer interrupt, RIR indicates a receive interrupt and
EIR indicates an error interrupt of the serial channel. The autobaud detection unit
provides two additional interrupts, the ABSTIR start of autobaud operation interrupt and
the ABDETIR autobaud detected interrupt. The interrupt output lines TBIR, TIR, RIR,
EIR, ABSTIR, and ABDETIR are activated (active state) for two periods of the module
clock fMODfive.
The cause of an error interrupt request (framing, parity, overrun error) can be identified
by the error status flags FE, PE, and OE which are located in control register CON. For
the two autobaud detection interrupts register ABSTAT provides status information.
Note: In contrary to the error interrupt request line EIR, the error status flags FE/PE/OE
are not reset automatically but must be cleared by software.
For normal operation (ie. besides the error interrupt) the ASC provides three interrupt
requests to control data exchange via this serial channel:
– TBIR is activated when data is moved from TBUF to the transmit shift register.
– TIR is activated before the last bit of an asynchronous frame is transmitted, or after the last
bit of a synchronous frame has been transmitted.
– RIR is activated when the received frame is moved to RBUF.
The transmitter is serviced by two interrupt handlers. This provides advantages for the
servicing software.
For single transfers, it is sufficient to use the transmitter interrupt (TIR), which indicates
that the previously loaded data has been transmitted, except for the last bit of an
asynchronous frame.
For multiple back-to-back transfers it is necessary to load the following piece of data at
last until the time the last bit of the previous frame has been transmitted. In asynchronous
mode this leaves just one bit-time for the handler to respond to the transmitter interrupt
request, in synchronous mode it is impossible at all.
Using the transmit buffer interrupt (TBIR) to reload transmit data gives the time to
transmit a complete frame for the service routine, as TBUF may be reloaded while the
previous data is still being transmitted.
The ABSTIR start of autobaud operation interrupt is generated whenever the autobaud
detection unit is enabled (ABEN and ABDETEN and ABSTEN set), and a start bit has
been detected at RXD. In this case ABSTIR is generated during autobaud detection
whenever a start bit is detected.
The ABDETIR autobaud detected interrupt is always generated after recognition of the
second character of the two-byte frame, this means after a successful autobaud
detection. If ABCON_FCDETEN is set the ABDETIR autobaud detected interrupt is also
generated after the recognition of the first character of the two-byte frame.