Semelab Plc. reserve the right to change the products shown on this datasheet in the interest of improved specification. No responsibility is assumed for
the use of information contained herein, nor for any infringement of patent or rights of others that may result from such use. No license is granted by
implication or otherwise under any patent or patent right of Semelab Plc.
When calculating the
total coupled power
the combined effects of the above
parameters must be considered. One final parameter that will affect the total coupled
power that is within the control of the user is the wiring resistance. It is important to
minimise the resistance of the cableforms from the amplifier to the filter (if used)
and from the filter to the loudspeaker. For example, 0.1
of cable resistance will
form a potential divider with the speaker load. For a 4
load the power loss due to
this wiring resistance is 0.4dB.
If the
total coupled power
into the load is expressed in decibels of loss (excluding wiring resistance)
Total coupled power
theoretic output power
modulation factor
inherent efficiency
Filter attenuation
Using our patented filter design, and maximum
modulation factor,
it is possible to achieve
total coupled power
figures of 85% or -1.4dB attenuation in the audio pass band.
To minimise quiescent power dissipation the output power stage of the module can be disabled using the enable
(S3) input.
The noise characteristics of the SDV1005-600
amplifier module are different from a linear amplifier
in that the dominant source of 'noise' is the amplifier
switching frequency. This frequency at 245KHz is
present even when no audio signal is input to the
amplifier. The switching signal is a square wave and
will have harmonics of the fundamental frequency e.g.
490KHz, 735KHz, 1.225MHz etc. The output filter if
used, must attenuate this signal and let the audio signal
through without attenuation or distortion. Semelab plc.
have applied for a patent on a new filter configuration
that is able to effectively attenuate the switching signal
and leave the audio signal unaffected. The frequency
spectrum of one of our filters is shown opposite (full
bandwidth, no audio input).
The spectral response shows the filter fundamental is attenuated by more then 50dB. The third
harmonic is attenuated by 60dB and the fifth harmonic is attenuated by nearly 60dB. This filter produces a
flat audio passband irrespective of variations in the loudspeaker load, with 5% power loss in the audio
passband. Greater attenuation of the switching frequency can be achieved if more attenuation in the audio
band is permitted. Magnatec is able to supply filters designed to a custom requirement.
To minimise external interference signals the audio connection to the amplifier should be via a low
noise screened cable. The amplifier module should not be positioned directly adjacent to mains or similar
high level voltages. The power supply used to supply the rail voltage should be regulated with a minimum
ripple level of 1% or less.
SpectrumResponse ofSDV1005-600 and output filter
Frequency (Hz)