The TMS370 Microcontroller Family Data Book from Texas Instruments includes complete
detailed specifications on the TMS370 8-Bit Microcontroller Family product line to include
the following subfamilies TMS370Cx0x, TMS370Cx1x, TMS370Cx2x, TMS370Cx32,
TMS370Cx36, TMS370Cx4x, TMS370Cx5x, TMS370Cx6x, TMS370Cx7x, TMS370Cx8x,
TMS370Cx9x, TMS370CxAx, TMS370CxBx, and TMS370CxCx.
The objective of this manual is to provide the user with complete information on all the
subfamilies contained within the TMS370 Family, enabling selection of a particular device
to suit the user’s needs and application much easier.
The data book is divided into the following sections, each of which is described briefly below:
Section 1. General Information
– Introduces the TMS370 Family of devices, discusses
the key features and major components of the device family, provides a
functional-block-diagram generalization, and contains an ordering guide showing the
device-numbering convention for all 14 subfamilies. This section also provides a selection
reference guide; a listing of the development system support tools; defines: acronyms, key
terms and signal names; operating conditions and characteristics; and timing conventions.
Section 2. Quality and Reliability
– Details the selected processes, standards and
philosophies that Texas Instruments uses to ensure the production of high quality products.
Section 3. Guidelines for Handling Electrostatic-Discharge-Sensitive Devices and
– Because the devices included in the TMS370 8-Bit Microcontroller Family
are categorized as Class 2 ESD-sensitive, this section includes the guidelines for the
handling of ESD-sensitive devices.
Section 4. Mechanical Data
– Shows the detailed mechanical drawing packages and the
associated specifications for each package type utilized in the TMS370 family. This section
also provides a cross-reference table to identify the mechanical package type(s) to a
specific device family.
For ordering information or further assistance, please contact your nearest Texas
Instruments sales office or distributor as listed on the back page of this book.