The SPT1019 operates from a single -5.2 V standard supply.
Proper bypassing of the supplies will augment the SPT1019’s
inherent supply noise rejection characteristics. As shown in
figure 2, each supply pin should be bypassed as close to the
device as possible with 0.01
F and 10 F capacitors.
The SPT1019 has two analog (VEE) power supply pins. Both
supply pins should be properly bypassed as mentioned
previously. This device also has two analog (VCC) ground
pins. Both ground pins should be tied to the analog ground
plane. Power and ground pins must be connected in all
applications. If a +5 V power source is required, the ground
pins (VCC) become the positive supply pins while the supply
pins (VEE) become the ground pins. The relative polarities of
the other input and output voltages must be maintained.
The SPT1019 has one reference input (ISet) and one refer-
ence output (Ref Out). These pins are connected to the
inverting and noninverting inputs of an internal amplifier that
serves as a reference buffer amplifier. The SPT1019 has a
bandgap reference connected internally to the inverting input
of the buffer amplifier and Ref Out.
The output of the buffer amplifier is the reference for the
current sinks. The amplifier feedback loop is connected
around one of the current sinks to achieve better accuracy.
(See Figure 8.)
Since the analog output currents are proportional to the digital
input data and the reference current (ISet), the full-scale
output may be adjusted by varying the reference current. ISET
is controlled through the ISet input on the SPT1019. A method
and equations to set ISet is shown in Figure 2. The SPT1019
uses its own reference voltage for setting up ISet as shown in
Figure 2. The value for ISet can be varied with the 500 Ohm
trimmer to change the full scale output. A double 50 Ohm load
(25 Ohm) can be driven if ISet is increased 50% more than ISet
for doubly terminated 75 Ohm video applications.
The SPT1019 provides an external compensation input
(COMP) for the reference buffer amplifier. In order to use this
pin correctly, a capacitor should be connected between
COMP and VEE as shown in figure 2. Keep the lead lengths
as short as possible. If the reference is to be kept as a
constant, use a large capacitor (.01
F). The value of the
capacitor determines the bandwidth of the amplifier. If modu-
lation of the reference is required, smaller values of capaci-
tance can be used to achieve up to a 1 MHz bandwidth.
-1.3 V
1/2 LSB
1/2 LSB
-1.3 V
Data Control
Figure 3 - Timing Diagram