Alternative White Balance Control Modes
All three camera models have two types of white balance control mode – ATWpro and ATW
Advanced ATWpro mode
Ideal for frequently changing lighting conditions
and applications where the operator needs to see
objects as they appear to the eye. The effective
operational colour range is 2500 K to 6000 K. This
mode makes optimumuse of the capabilities of the
Smart Control function.
YS-W150P Rear Panel
Simple Single Cable Wiring (SSC-DC330P only)
The SSC-DC330P features optional Triple Multiplexing operation. Using a single coaxial cable, the video
and sync signals can be transmtted together wth DC power froman optional YS-W150P/W250P Camera
Adaptor The SSC-DC330P can also be operated froma local DC 12 V power source using a
commercially available power supply adaptor
Other Features
– legible numbers
– illegible numbers
As the illumnation level of the scene changes, the
camera responds by automatically reducing or
increasing the exposure time of the photo sensors.
This is achieved by changing the electronic shutter
speed of the CCD, in the range of 1/50 of a second
to 1/100,000 of a second. The CCD IRIS function
is digitally controlled by the advanced Sony Smart
Control feature. The control of incomng light by
the CCD IRIS function is completely electronic,
and does not require a conventional mechanical
iris control facility inside the camera. This means
that reliability is greatly improved.
An added benefit of the CCD IRIS function is seen
when images are recorded onto video tape. For
example, thanks to high shutter speeds in daylight,
clear details of fast-moving objects (such as
vehicle license plates) can be seen when the tape
is reviewed in still mode.
The YS-W150P/W250P Camera Adaptors are
designed to transmt power and video/sync signals
between the adaptor and the camera, using a
single coaxial cable. The YS-W150P is for use in a
Optional Accessories: YS-W150P/W250P Camera Adaptors
single camera configuration while the YS-W250P
is used in configurations of up to four cameras.
Both units provide two camera outputs for each
camera input, allowng camera pictures to be
monitored in two locations. The YS-W150P/
W250P not only accept a VS sync signal but also
feature AC line lock for external synchronization.
ATW mode
Allows the operator to see objects as they appear
during daylight. The colour temperature
compensation range extends down to 2000 K and
up to 10,000 K.
Aperture/Sharp mode
VBS and VS lock
C/CS mount lenses compatible
Video/DC servo type auto iris lens compatible
License plate of a moving car