4.5.4 Functional Description
Figure 36 shows the serial peripheral interface
(SPI) block diagram.
This interface contains 3 dedicated registers:
– A Control Register (CR)
– A Status Register (SR)
– A Data Register (DR)
Refer to the CR, SR and DR registers in Section
4.5.5for the bit definitions. Master Configuration
In a master configuration, the serial clock is gener-
ated on the SCK pin.
– Select the SPR0 & SPR1 bits to define the se-
rial clock baud rate (see CR register).
– Select the CPOL and CPHA bits to define one
of the four relationships between the data
transfer and the serial clock (see Figure 39).
– The SS pin must be connected to a high level
signal during the complete byte transmit se-
– The MSTR and SPE bits must be set (they re-
main set only if the SS pin is connected to a
high level signal).
In this configuration the MOSI pin is a data output
and to the MISO pin is a data input.
Transmit sequence
The transmit sequence begins when a byte is writ-
ten in the DR register.
The data byte is parallel loaded into the 8-bit shift
register (from the internal bus) during a write cycle
and then shifted out serially to the MOSI pin most
significant bit first.
When data transfer is complete:
– The SPIF bit is set by hardware
– An interrupt is generated if the SPIE bit is set
and the I bit in the CCR register is cleared.
During the last clock cycle the SPIF bit is set, a
copy of the data byte received in the shift register
is moved to a buffer. When the DR register is read,
the SPI peripheral returns this buffered value.
Clearing the SPIF bit is performed by the following
software sequence:
1. An access to the SR register while the SPIF bit
is set
2. A write or a read of the DR register.
Note: While the SPIF bit is set, all writes to the DR