Bit 1 = M/SL Master/Slave.
This bit is set by hardware as soon as the interface
is in Master mode (writing START=1). It is cleared
by hardware after detecting a Stop condition on
the bus or a loss of arbitration (ARLO=1). It is also
cleared when the interface is disabled (PE=0).
0: Slave mode
1: Master mode
Bit 0 = SB Start bit (Master mode).
This bit is set by hardware as soon as the Start
START=1). An interrupt is generated if ITE=1. It is
cleared by software reading SR1 register followed
by writing the address byte in DR register. It is also
cleared by hardware when the interface is disa-
bled (PE=0).
0: No Start condition
1: Start condition generated
Read Only
Reset Value: 0000 0000 (00h)
Bit 7:5 = Reserved. Forced to 0 by hardware.
Bit 4 = AF Acknowledge failure.
This bit is set by hardware when no acknowledge
is returned. An interrupt is generated if ITE=1. It is
cleared by software reading SR2 register or by
hardware when the interface is disabled (PE=0).
The SCL line is not held low while AF=1 but by oth-
er flags (SB or BTF) that are set at the same time.
0: No acknowledge failure
1: Acknowledge failure
– When an AF event occurs, the SCL line is not
held low; however, the SDA line can remain low
if the last bits transmitted are all 0. It is then nec-
essary to release both lines by software.
Bit 3 = STOPF Stop detection (Slave mode).
This bit is set by hardware when a Stop condition
is detected on the bus after an acknowledge (if
ACK=1). An interrupt is generated if ITE=1. It is
cleared by software reading SR2 register or by
hardware when the interface is disabled (PE=0).
The SCL line is not held low while STOPF=1.
0: No Stop condition detected
1: Stop condition detected
Bit 2 = ARLO Arbitration lost.
This bit is set by hardware when the interface los-
es the arbitration of the bus to another master. An
interrupt is generated if ITE=1. It is cleared by soft-
ware reading SR2 register or by hardware when
the interface is disabled (PE=0).
After an ARLO event the interface switches back
automatically to Slave mode (M/SL=0).
The SCL line is not held low while ARLO=1.
0: No arbitration lost detected
1: Arbitration lost detected
– In a Multimaster environment, when the interface
is configured in Master Receive mode it does not
perform arbitration during the reception of the
Acknowledge Bit. Mishandling of the ARLO bit
from the I2CSR2 register may occur when a sec-
ond master simultaneously requests the same
data from the same slave and the I2C master
does not acknowledge the data. The ARLO bit is
then left at 0 instead of being set.
Bit 1 = BERR Bus error.
This bit is set by hardware when the interface de-
tects a misplaced Start or Stop condition. An inter-
rupt is generated if ITE=1. It is cleared by software
reading SR2 register or by hardware when the in-
terface is disabled (PE=0).
The SCL line is not held low while BERR=1.
0: No misplaced Start or Stop condition
1: Misplaced Start or Stop condition
– If a Bus Error occurs, a Stop or a repeated Start
condition should be generated by the Master to
re-synchronize communication, get the transmis-
sion acknowledged and the bus released for fur-
ther communication
Bit 0 = GCAL General Call (Slave mode).
This bit is set by hardware when a general call ad-
dress is detected on the bus while ENGC=1. It is
cleared by hardware detecting a Stop condition
(STOPF=1) or when the interface is disabled
0: No general call address detected on bus
1: general call address detected on bus