Issue 1.1
Row Address Strobe. There are 4 ac-
tive low row address strobe outputs, one each for
each bank of the memory. Each bank contains 4
or 8-Bytes of data. The memory controller allows
half of a bank (4-Bytes) to be populated to enable
memory upgrade at finer granularity.
The RAS# signals drive the SIMMs directly with-
out any external buffering. These pins are always
outputs, but they can also simultaneously be in-
puts, toallow the memory controller to monitor the
value of the RAS# signals at the pins.
Column Address Strobe. There are 8
active low column address strobe outputs, one
each for each Byte of the memory.
The CAS# signals drive the SIMMs either directly
or through external buffers.
These pins are always outputs, but they can also
simultaneously be inputs, to allow the memory
controller to monitor the value of the CAS# signals
at the pins.
Write Enable. Write enable specifies
whether thememory access is a read(MWE# = H)
or a write (MWE# = L). This single write enable
controls all DRAMs. It can be externally buffered
to boost the maximum number of loads (DRAM
chips) supported.
The MWE# signals drive the SIMMs directly with-
out any external buffering.
(Combined with ISA Bus)
Memory Address. This is the 22-bit Lo-
cal Bus Address
Data Bus. This is the 16-bit bidirectional
Local Bus Data bus.
Ready. This input signals the Local Bus
Ready state.
Memory and I/O Write signal for MS Byte
Memory and I/O Write signal for LS Byte.
Memory and I/O Read signals for MS
Memory andI/O Read signalsfor LS Byte.
FCS#[1:0], IOCS#[3:0]
Flash Memory and I/O
Chip select.
Unlatched Address. These unlatched
ISA Bus pins address bits 23-17 on 16-bit devices.
When the ISA busis accessed by any cycle initiat-
ed from the PCI bus, these pins are in output
mode. When an ISA bus master owns the bus,
these pins are tristated.
Unlatched Address. These are the 20
low bits of the system address bus of ISA. These
pins are used as an input when an ISA busmaster
owns the bus and are outputs at all other times.
I/O Data Bus (ISA).These are theexter-
nal ISA databus pins.
IO Channel Ready.IOCHRDY isthe IO
channel ready signal of the ISA bus and is driven
as an output in response to an ISA master cycle
targeted to the host bus or an internal register of
the STPC Industrial. The STPC Industrial moni-
tors this signal as an input when performing an
ISA cycle on behalf of the host CPU, DMA master
or refresh.
ISA masters which do not monitor IOCHRDY are
not guaranteed to work with the STPC Industrial
since the access to the system memory can be
considerably delayed due to CRT refresh or a
write back cycle.
Address Latch Enable. This is the address
latch enable output of the ISA bus and is asserted
by the STPC Industrial to indicate that LA23-17,
SA19-0, AEN and SBHE# signals are valid. The
ALE is driven high during refresh, DMA master or
an ISA master cycles by the STPC Industrial.
ALE is driven low after reset.
System Bus High Enable.This signal, when
asserted, indicates that a data Byte is being trans-
ferred on SD15-8 lines.It is used as an input when
an ISA master owns the bus and is an output at all
other times.
Memory Read. This is the memory read
command signal of the ISAbus. It is used as an in-
put when an ISA master owns the bus and is an
output at all other times.
The MEMR# signal is active during refresh.
Memory Write. This is the memory write
command signal of the ISAbus. It is used as an in-
put when an ISA master owns the bus and is an
output at all other times.