“VREL1” in the T63H0002A.
The output of Dout pin, the output of
over-discharge detector/VD2, switches to low
level after internally fixed delay time passed,
when discharging voltage crosses the detector
threshold from a high value lower than VDET2.
After T63H0002A detect the over-discharge
voltage, connect a charger to the battery pack,
and when the battery supply voltage becomes
higher than the over-discharge detector
threshold, VD2 is released and the voltage of
Dout becomes “H” level.
An excess load current can be sensed and
cut off after internally fixed delay time passed
through the built in excess current detector, VD3
TM Technology Inc. reserves the right
P. 2
Publication Date: JUL. 2002
to change products or specifications without notice. Revision:A
with Dout being enabled to low level. Once after
detecting excess current, the VD3 is released
and Dout level switches to high by detaching a
battery pack from a load system.
Further, short circuit protector makes Dout
level to low immediately with external short
circuit current and re-moving external short
circuit leads Dout level to high. After detecting
over-discharge, supply current will be kept
extremely low by halt some internal circuits
operation. The output delay of over-charge
detectors can be set by connecting external
capacitors. Output type of Cout and Dout are
CMOS. 6-pin, SOT23-6 is available.