[MU/D].................. If a multiplication/division instruction is stored in memory, cancels the data.
The decimal point for the result is floating.
MU/D key operation example:
aMU/Db =................. a/(1 - (b/100)) - a
(prints profit)
a/(1 - (b/100))
c =................. a/(1 - (c/100)) - a
(prints profit)
a/(1 - (c/100))
aMU/Db +/- =........... a/(1 + (b/100)) - a
(prints profit)
a/(1 + (b/100))
c +/- =........... a/(1 + (c/100)) - a
(prints profit)
a/(1 + (c/100))
[D%] ...................... If a multiplication/division instruction is memorized, cancels the data.
D%key operation example:
aD% b =........................b - a
(b - a)/a
(prints difference)
c =........................c - a
(change delta percent)
(c - a)/a
(prints difference)
aD% b +/- =.................-(b + a)
(change delta percent)
-(b + a)/a (prints difference)
c +/- = .................-(c + a)
(change delta percent)
-(c + a)/a (prints difference)
[+/-]....................... Inverts sign of the displayed number at key entry.
[] ........................ Shifts the contents of the displays to the right by one digit at key entry. For an
estimation calculation error, cancels the error.
[GT ]................... Calls the contents of GT memory. If the key is pressed once, calls the contents of
GT memory, but does not change current state. If the key is pressed twice, calls
the contents of GT memory and clears them.
[C] ......................... Cancels all arithmetic instructions and errors, clears the contents of all the
registers except the memory register, and prints 0.C.
[CE] ...................... If pressed at key entry, clears only the contents of the displays; does not change
the stored arithmetic instruction or the contents of the data register.
Invalid if pressed after one of the following keys: [C] [] [] [+] [-] [=] [%] [D%] [MI+,
MII+] [MI-, MII-] [MI, MII] [MI*, MII*] [MU/D] [IC/AVE].
The result of pressing the [CE] key after the [#/P] key depends on the state before
the keys were pressed.
Selects item count mode.
IC+.........Counts up by the [+] or [-] key.
IC±.........Counts up by the [+] key, down by the [-] key.
[S] ......................... If an operation is performed by the [=] or [%] key in auto accumulation calculation
mode, adds the operation result to the addition/subtraction register and
increments the item counter.
[C/CE]................... If pressed at key entry, operates same as the [CE] key.
If pressed after one of the following keys, operates same as the [C] key: [C/CE] []
[] [+] [-] [=] [%] [D%] [MI+, MII+] [MI-, MII-] [MI, MII] [MI*, MII*] [MU/D]
The result of pressing the [C/CE] key after the [+/-] or the [#/P] key depends on the
state before the keys were pressed.