Explanation of function
[0~9] .....................
[00, 000]
Keys in numbers from 0 to 9, 00, and 000. If the number of displays digits exceeds
10 or 12 key entry is invalid.
[].......................... If this key is pressed after a key operation except data entry, the displays is
cleared and entry of [] is stored in memory. The decimal point is shifted for
subsequent data entry. If the [] key is pressed during data entry, displays does
not change.
[+, -]...................... Add or subtract operation data and displays the result. The decimal point is
floating except when A mode is specified. Addition or subtraction can be performed
If these key are pressed in multiplication/division mode or in constant calculation
mode, add or subtract displays data to addition/subtraction registers, then displays
the result. At this time, in the operation mode multiplicand or divisor do not
These keys increment or decrement the item counter. In the following operation
mode, the operations are executed, and the results are printed and displayed. At
that time, addition or subtraction using the addition/subtraction register is not
Percent discount/add-on calculation
a b% + .....a + (ab/100)
c% +......a + (ac/100)
a b% - .....a - (ab/100)
c% -......a - (ac/100)
Percent discount/add-on with constants are calculated as above.
[].......................... Prints and displays the intermediate result in addition/subtraction register. In
item count mode, prints the contents of the item counter before the calculation
result printing.
Contents of data register or stored arithmetic instruction are not changed.
[*].......................... Prints and displays the result in addition/subtraction register. Automatically feeds
paper one line. In item count mode, the contents of the item counter are printed
before the calculation result printing.
After this key operation, the contents of the addition/subtraction register are
cleared. The contents of the item counter are cleared at the first
addition/subtraction in next step. The contents of the data register or stored
arithmetic instruction are not changed. When GT mode is specified, the result of
addition/subtraction is added to the GT memory.
MI+, MII+ ............
If the arithmetic instruction is not stored or if the mode is constant calculation
mode, first prints the displays contents after rounding to the specified number of
decimal places, performs addition/subtraction using the data in memory, then
stores the result in memory. If the multiplication/division instruction is stored,
executes the arithmetic instruction, rounds the result to the specified number of
decimal places, prints and displays the result, adds/subtracts with the data in
memory, then stores the result to memory.
At that time, the multiplicand or divisor is stored together with the mode, constant
calculation mode. When this key is pressed immediately after the [] or [MI+, MII+,
MI-, MII-] key, operation is the same as that for the [=] key; that is, adds/subtracts
using data in memory. This key operation increments or decrements the item
counter for memory.