www.ti.com........................................................................................................................................................ SLOS524D – JUNE 2008 – REVISED AUGUST 2009
The Automatic Gain Control (AGC) feature provides continuous automatic gain adjustment to the amplifier
through an internal PGA. This feature enhances the perceived audio loudness and at the same time prevents
speaker damage from occurring (Limiter function).
The AGC function attempts to maintain the audio signal gain as selected by the user through the Fixed Gain,
Limiter Level, and Compression Ratio variables. Other advanced features included are Maximum Gain and Noise
Gate Threshold.
Table 1 describes the function of each variable in the AGC function.
Table 1. TPA2016D2 AGC Variable Descriptions
Maximum Gain
The gain at the lower end of the compression region.
Fixed Gain
The normal gain of the device when the AGC is inactive.
The fixed gain is also the initial gain when the device comes out of shutdown mode or when the AGC is
Limiter Level
The value that sets the maximum allowed output amplitude.
Compression Ratio
The relation between input and output voltage.
Noise Gate Threshold
Below this value, the AGC holds the gain to prevent breathing effects.
Attack Time
The minimum time between two gain decrements.
Release Time
The minimum time between two gain increments.
Hold Time
The time it takes for the very first gain increment after the input signal amplitude decreases.
Copyright 2008–2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated