AC 02 45 FF Response – Command acknowledge
AC 03 46 FF
Command – When scan bit 3 high,
Output 46 on Port C’s
data pits, full brightness
AC 03 46 FF Response – Command acknowledge
AC 04 47 80
Command – When scan bit 4 high,
Output 47 on Port C’s
data pits, half brightness
AC 94 47 80 Response – Command acknowledge
AB 23 1C FF
Command – Set Port B bits 2-4 scan,
Port C all bits data
AB 08 7B 00 Response – Command acknowledge
(Scans bits 2, 3 and 4 of Port B while
outputting 45-46-47 on Port C. Send
further MPXDATA commands
to change displayed data)
AB 00 00 00
Command – Stop scanning
AB 00 00 00 Response – Confirm command
A typical display multiplex scan circuit is shown in figure
8. The value of the resistors on the data lines should be
selected as recommended by the display manufacturer,
bearing in mind that if there are n scan lines then each
LED will have a maximum on-time duty cycle of 1/n.
Figure 8
Scan lines
a-g, DP
Stream Data
The identifier STREAM (0xAD) repeatedly executes the
commands sent in the previous report.
The stream
command must be the first command in the report.
Bytes 1 and 2 indicate repeat interval as shown in table
8. The Timer2 is used for triggering the stream. To stop
streaming, send a stream command with Byte 1 equal to
Each time the stream is triggered by the timer,
expandIO-USB sends a STREAM (0xB4) response.
Bytes 1 (MSB) and 2 (LSB) will contain a sequence
number which will increment by one each time a stream
response is sent (and rolling over from 0xFFFF to
The requested commands will then be
executed and responses relating to those commands
will be sent.
Table 8. Stream repeat interval
Byte 1,
bits 1-0
Byte 1,
bits 6-3
Byte 2
Repeat Interval
2y(x+1) / 3 μs
8y(x+1) / 3 μs
Byte 1 = 01011010, Byte 2 = 11000100, low speed device
Formula is 8y(x+1) / 3 μs, x is 11 decimal, y is 196 decimal
Repeat interval is 6.272ms (Slowest possible is 10.88ms)
The stream rate will only be achieved if the commands
requested can be executed at the rate requested.
Otherwise, the rate will be the maximum achievable rate.
expandIO-USB will never be so busy streaming data
that it will not be able to respond to new commands.
96 16 00 00*
Command – Get AN6 using Vref+
96 16 01 23 Response: AN6 = 0x123
96 15 00 00*
Command – Get AN5 using Vref+
96 15 02 4A Response: AN5 = 0x24A
AD 5A C3 00
Command – repeat the report every
~6.27ms (see table 8)
AD 5A C3 00 Response: Acknowledge command
AD 00 01 00 Response: Sequence number 0x0001
96 16 01 22 Response: AN6 = 0x122
96 15 02 C3 Response: AN5 = 0x2C3
AD 00 02 00 Response: Sequence number 0x0002
96 16 01 21 Response: AN6 = 0x121
96 15 02 C4 Response: AN5 = 0x2C4
AD 00 00 00
Command – Stop streaming
* These commands must be in the
same report.
Note: The previous report is only stored if streaming is
not in process. To change the stream commands, stop
streaming first, then send the new report to be streamed,
then start streaming again.
Get Firmware ID
The identifier GETFWID (0x94) retrieves the firmware
version number. In the response the device is in byte 1
(0x14 for 14K50, 0x25 for 2455, etc) and a version
number is in bytes 2 (MSB) and 3 (LSB).
94 00 00 00
Command – Get Firmware ID
94 14 00 01 Response – 14K50 v0001
The product can be customized in one of three ways:
Using the HIDconfig.exe application (figure 9)
in the development kit. This application makes
it very easy to copy the configuration from an
existing product to a new product and is
suitable for in-factory use. (It cannot be used if
you change the Vendor ID and / Product ID.)
By requesting the custom settings to be
supplied pre-programmed when buying pre-
programmed chips (5K units minimum).
available on request.