The EXEUNIO command and response are not limited
to 4 bytes in length. They may use as many bytes in the
report as required. They must be the first and only
command/response in the report.
General example:
B0 15 00 A0 01 02 02 94 64
Command: Send command 01 and then
bytes 94 64 to 8-bit slave A0 on SCIO
pin RA5, then read two bytes
B0 00 12 34 Response: Success, read 12 34
UNI/O serial memory examples:
B0 15 00 A0 96 00 00
Write enable command.
B0 00
Response: Success
B0 15 00 A0 6C 04 00 00 00 56 78
Write 12 34 to address 00 00
B0 00
Response: Success
B0 15 00 A0 03 02 02 00 00
Read address 00 00, 2 bytes
B0 56 78
Response: Success, read 56 78
HexWax has developed a multicast extension to the
UNI/O protocol that allows the same message to be sent
to several devices at once, provided the slaves do not
respond. For this reason, expandIO-USB will send the
entire UNI/O command, even if no slave acknowledges.
(From rev 0009 only.) If byte 1 bit 7 is set, two bytes are
appended to the end of the command. These are
appended to the end of the response, allowing the PC to
easily match command / response pairs.
Execute I2C
(Not implemented in 18F2450, 18F4450.)
communication with a slave device connected to SCL /
SDA. In the command, byte 1 is 00 for a standard write
operation, 01 for a standard read operation and, from
rev 0006, 02 for a register read operation. Other values
are reserved. Byte 2 is the slave address, which will
usually have bit 0 clear for write operations and set for
read operations.
In a standard write operation, byte 3 is number of bytes
to be sent and bytes 4 onwards are the data to send to
the slave device. In the response, byte 1 is a status
value as shown in table 7. A standard write consists of
a start condition, transmission of the slave address
followed by the data, then a stop condition. All bytes
transmitted should be acknowledged by the slave.
In a standard read operation, byte 3 is number of bytes
to be read. In the response, byte 1 is a status value as
shown in table 7, and bytes 2 onwards are the data
received from the slave device.
A standard read
consists of a start condition, transmission of the slave
address followed by reception of the data from the slave,
then a stop condition. expandIO-USB will acknowledge
all but the last data bytes received.
(From rev 0006 only.) In a register read operation, the
write address is sent and then one or more bytes are
written; a restart condition then follows, followed by the
slave read address; finally one or more bytes are read.
Byte 2 is the write address. Byte 3 is number of bytes to
be sent and byte 4 is the number of bytes to then be
read. Bytes 5 onwards are the data to write to the slave
device. In the response, byte 1 is a status value as
shown in table 7, and bytes 2 onwards are the data
received from the slave device. A register read consists
of a start condition, transmission of the slave address
followed by the write data, then reception of the data
from the slave, then a stop condition. expandIO-USB
will acknowledge all but the last data bytes received.
Table 7. I2C status values
Bus collision occurred
Write collision occurred
No acknowledge received
Many variations on standard I2C communication exist.
Contact us if standard write and read operations are not
sufficient for your needs.
The EXEI2C command and response are not limited to
4 bytes in length. They may use as many bytes in the
report as required. They must be the first and only
command/response in the report.
A0 00 A2 02 00 00
Command: Write 00 00 to slave A2
A0 00
Response: Success
A0 01 A3 02
Command: Read 2 bytes from slave A3
A0 00 12 34 Response: Success, data is 12 34
A0 02 A2 01 02 55
Command: Write byte ‘55’ to slave A3
then read 2 bytes
A0 00 12 34 Response: Success, data is 12 34
(From rev 0009 only.) If byte 1 bit 7 is set, two bytes are
appended to the end of the command. These are
appended to the end of the response, allowing the PC to
easily match command / response pairs.
Interrupt Event
The identifier INTERRUPT (0x95) reports an interrupt
event. It has no payload and is sent unprompted when
one or more interrupt events have occurred.
Interrupts occur when an interrupt is enabled (xxxIE = 1)
and flagged (xxxIF = 1). In this event, expandIO-USB
disables the interrupt (xxxIE = 0) and generates an
INTERRUPT report. It is the responsibility of the host
application to determine the cause of the interrupt by
inspecting the interrupt flags, clearing the flag and re-
setting the interrupt enable bit.
To set up an interrupt, clear the interrupt flag and set the
interrupt enable using the Set Register Bit commands.