The efficiency is the ratio between the output
power and the power supply
The maximum theoretical value is reached when
Vpeak = Vcc, so
s Decoupling of the circuit
Two capacitors are needed to bypass properly the
TS4902, a power supply bypass capacitor Cs and
a bias voltage bypass capacitor Cb.
Cs has especially an influence on the THD+N in
high frequency (above 7kHz) and indirectly on the
power supply disturbances.
With 100F, you can expect similar THD+N
performances like shown in the datasheet.
If Cs is lower than 100F, in high frequency
increases, THD+N and disturbances on the power
supply rail are less filtered.
To the contrary, if Cs is higher than 100F, those
disturbances on the power supply rail are more
Cb has an influence on THD+N in lower frequency,
but its function is critical on the final result of PSRR
with input grounded in lower frequency.
If Cb is lower than 1F, THD+N increase in lower
frequency (see THD+N vs frequency curves) and
the PSRR worsens up
If Cb is higher than 1F, the benefit on THD+N in
lower frequency is small but the benefit on PSRR
is substantial (see PSRR vs. Cb curve : fig.12).
Note that Cin has a non-negligible effect on PSRR
in lower frequency. Lower is its value, higher is the
PSRR (see fig. 13).
s Pop and Click performance
Pop and Click performance is intimately linked
with the size of the input capacitor Cin and the bias
voltage bypass capacitor Cb.
Size of Cin is due to the lower cut-off frequency
and PSRR value requested. Size of Cb is due to
THD+N and PSRR requested always in lower
Moreover, Cb determines the speed that the
amplifier turns ON. The slower the speed is, the
softer the turn ON noise is.
The charge time of Cb is directly proportional to
the internal generator resistance 50k
Then, the charge time constant for Cb is
τb = 50kxCb (s)
As Cb is directly connected to the non-inverting
input (pin 2 & 3) and if we want to minimize, in
amplitude and duration, the output spike on Vout1
(pin 5), Cin must be charged faster than Cb. The
charge time constant of Cin is
τin = (Rin+Rfeed)xCin (s)
Thus we have the relation
τin << τb (s)
The respect of this relation permits to minimize the
pop and click noise.
Remark : Minimize Cin and Cb has a benefit on
pop and click phenomena but also on cost and
size of the application.
Example : your target for the -3dB cut off
frequency is 100 Hz. With Rin=Rfeed=22 k
Cin=72nF (in fact 82nF or 100nF).
With Cb=1F, if you choose the one of the latest
two values of Cin, the pop and click phenomena at
power supply ON or standby function ON/OFF will
be very small
50 k
x1F >> 44kx100nF (50ms >> 4.4ms).
Increasing Cin value increases the pop and click
phenomena to an unpleasant sound at power
supply ON and standby function ON/OFF.
Why Cs is not important in pop and click
consideration ?
Hypothesis :
Cs = 100F
Supply voltage = 5V
Supply voltage internal resistor = 0.1
Supply current of the amplifier Icc = 6mA
At power ON of the supply, the supply capacitor is
resistor. So, to reach 5V you need about five to ten
times the charging time constant of Cs (
τs =
0.1xCs (s)).
Then, this time equal 50s to 100s <<
τb in the
majority of application.
η =
Psup pl y
------------------------ =
----- = 78.5%