Reference Mode
SBAS406B – JUNE 2008 – REVISED MARCH 2009.......................................................................................................................................................... www.ti.com
There is a critical item regarding the reference when making measurements while the switch drivers are on. For
this discussion, it is useful to consider the basic operation of the TSC2008 (see
Figure 20). This particular
application shows the device being used to digitize a resistive touch screen. A measurement of the current Y
position of the pointing device is made by connecting the X+ input to the A/D converter, turning on the Y+ and Y–
drivers, and digitizing the voltage on X+, as shown in
Figure 25. For this measurement, the resistance in the X+
lead does not affect the conversion; it does affect the settling time, but the resistance is usually small enough
that this is not a concern. However, because the resistance between Y+ and Y– is fairly low, the on-resistance of
the Y drivers does make a small difference. Under the situation outlined so far, it would not be possible to
achieve a 0V input or a full-scale input regardless of where the pointing device is on the touch screen because
some voltage is lost across the internal switches. In addition, the internal switch resistance is unlikely to track the
resistance of the touch screen, providing an additional source of error.
Figure 25. Simplified Diagram of Single-Ended Reference
This situation is resolved, as shown in
Figure 26, by using the differential mode; the +REF and –REF inputs are
connected directly to Y+ and Y–, respectively. This mode makes the A/D converter ratiometric. The result of the
conversion is always a percentage of the external reference, regardless of how it changes in relation to the
on-resistance of the internal switches. Note that there is an important consideration regarding power dissipation
when using the ratiometric mode of operation (see the
Power Dissipation section for more details).
Figure 26. Simplified Diagram of Differential Reference
(Both Y Switches are Enabled, and X+ is the Analog Input)
Copyright 2008–2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated