Internal Memory (MCU Module, Standard 8032
DATA Memory.
The first 128 bytes of internal
SRAM ranging from address 0x0000 to 0x007F
are called DATA, which can be accessed using
direct or indirect
addressing schemes and
are typically used to store variables and stack.
Four register banks, each with 8 registers (R0 –
R7), occupy addresses 0x0000 to 0x001F. Only
one of these four banks may be enabled at a time.
The next 16 locations at 0x0020 to 0x002F contain
128 directly addressable bit locations that can be
used as software flags. SRAM locations 0x0030
and above may be used for variables and stack.
IDATA Memory.
The next 128 bytes of internal
SRAM are named IDATA and range from address
0x0080 to 0x00FF. IDATA can be accessed only
through 8032
indirect addressing
and is typically
used to hold the MCU stack as well as data vari-
ables. The stack can reside in both DATA and
IDATA memories and reach a size limited only by
the available space in the combined 256 bytes of
these two memories (since stack accesses are al-
ways done using indirect addressing, the bound-
ary between DATA and IDATA does not exist with
regard to the stack).
SFR Memory.
Special Function Registers (
5., page 25
) occupy a separate physical memory,
but they logically overlap the same 128 bytes as
IDATA, ranging from address 0x0080 to 0x00FF.
SFRs are accessed only using
direct addressing
There 86 active registers used for many functions:
changing the operating mode of the 8032 MCU
core, controlling 8032 peripherals, controlling I/O,
and managing interrupt functions. The remaining
unused SFRs are reserved and should not be ac-
16 of the SFRs are both byte- and bit-addressable.
Bit-addressable SFRs are those whose address
ends in “0” or “8” hex.
External Memory (PSD Module: Program
memory, Data memory)
The PSD Module has four memories: main Flash,
secondary Flash, SRAM, and csiop. See the PSD
MODULE section for more detailed information on
these memories.
Memory mapping in the PSD Module is imple-
mented with the Decode PLD (DPLD) and option-
ally the Page Register. The user specifies decode
equations for individual segments of each of the
memories using the software tool PSDsoft Ex-
press. This is a very easy point-and-click process
allowing total flexibility in mapping memories. Ad-
ditionally, each of the memories may be placed in
various combinations of 8032 program address
space or 8032 data address space by using the
software tool PSDsoft Express.
Program Memory.
External program memory is
addressed by the 8032 using its 16-bit Program
Counter (PC) and is accessed with the 8032 sig-
nal, PSEN. Program memory can be present at
any address in program space between 0x0000
and 0xFFFF.
After a power-up or reset, the 8032 begins pro-
gram execution from location 0x0000 where the
reset vector is stored, causing a jump to an initial-
ization routine in firmware. At address 0x0003, just
following the reset vector are the interrupt service
locations. Each interrupt is assigned a fixed inter-
rupt service location in program memory. An inter-
rupt causes the 8032 to jump to that service
location, where it commences execution of the
service routine. External Interrupt 0 (EXINT0), for
example, is assigned to service location 0x0003. If
EXINT0 is going to be used, its service routine
must begin at location 0x0003. Interrupt service lo-
cations are spaced at 8-byte intervals: 0x0003 for
EXINT0, 0x000B for Timer 0, 0x0013 for EXINT1,
and so forth. If an interrupt service routine is short
enough, it can reside entirely within the 8-byte in-
terval. Longer service routines can use a jump in-
struction to somewhere else in program memory.
Data Memory.
External data is referred to as
XDATA and is addressed by the 8032 using Indi-
rect Addressing via its 16-bit Data Pointer Register
(DPTR) and is accessed by the 8032 signals, RD
and WR. XDATA can be present at any address in
data space between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF.
the uPSD34xx has dual data pointers
(source and destination) making XDATA transfers
much more efficient.
Memory Placement.
PSD Module architecture
allows the placement of its external memories into
different combinations of program memory and
data memory spaces. This means the main Flash,
the secondary Flash, and the SRAM can be
viewed by the 8032 MCU in various combinations
of program memory or data memory as defined by
PSDsoft Express.
As an example of this flexibility, for applications
that require a great deal of Flash memory in data
space (large lookup tables or extended data re-
cording), the larger main Flash memory can be
placed in data space and the smaller secondary
Flash memory can be placed in program space.
The opposite can be realized for a different appli-
cation if more Flash memory is needed for code
and less Flash memory for data.