All Harris Semiconductor products are manufactured, assembled and tested under ISO9000 quality systems certification.
Harris Semiconductor products are sold by description only. Harris Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes in circuit design and/or specifications at any time
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For information regarding Harris Semiconductor and its products, call 1-800-4-HARRIS or see web site http://www.semi.harris.com
Model Number Nomenclature
The UltraMOV Series follows a different part numbering
procedure than other Harris Varistor products. The base part
number consists of the following:
= Harris Varistor Designation
xx = Nominal Disc Diameter (07, 10, 14, 20mm)
= Epoxy Encapsulation (Rated to 85oC)
xxx = VM(AC) RMS Voltage Rating (130V - 625V)
For example, the model number for a 7mm epoxy coated
Varistor rated at 440V RMS is V07E440. (Note that this
number will be abbreviated to accommodate marking (laser
branding) of the Varistor body. (The part number brand is
shown in the Device Ratings and Characteristics table.)
Rated AC Voltage (VM(AC)RMS)
This is the maximum continuous sinusoidal voltage which
may be applied to the MOV. This voltage may be applied at
any temperature up to the maximum operating temperature
of 85oC.
Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Current (ITM)
This is the maximum peak current which may be applied for
an 8/20
s impulse, with rated line voltage also applied,
without causing device failure. (See Figure 2)
Maximum Non-Repetitive Surge Energy (WTM)
This is the maximum rated transient energy which may be
dissipated for a single current pulse at a specied impulse
and duration (2ms), with the rated VRMS applied, without
causing device failure.
Nominal Voltage (VN(DC))
This is the voltage at which the device changes from the off
state to the on state and enters its conduction mode of
operation. This voltage is characterized at the 1mA point and
has specied minimum and maximum voltage levels.
Clamping Voltage (VC)
This is the peak voltage appearing across the MOV when
measured at conditions of specied pulse current amplitude
and specied waveform (8/20
Ordering Information
To order devices in the UltraMOV Series, the base part number must be appended with lead form, packaging and lead space
options as shown below.
Blank: Standard lead spacing (see Dimensions Table)
5: 5mm Lead Spacing
7: 7.5mm Lead Spacing
1: 10mm Lead Spacing
B: Bulk Pack
T: Tape and Reel
A: Ammo Pack
L1: Straight
L2: Crimped
L3: In-Line
L4: Trim/Crimp
(Bulk pack only)
E = Epoxy
130 to 625 (V)
07, 10, 14, or 20 (mm)
Harris Varistor
UltraMOV is a trademark of Harris Corporation
UltraMOV Series
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