Voltage Transformation Module
Rev. 1.0
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+In / -In DC Voltage Ports
The VTM input should not exceed the maximum specified. Be aware of this
limit in applications where the VTM is being driven above its nominal out-
put voltage. If less than 26 Vdc is present at the +In and -In ports, a contin-
uous VC voltage must be applied for the VTM to process power. Otherwise
VC voltage need only be applied for 10 ms after the voltage at the +In and
-In ports has reached or exceeded 26 Vdc. If the input voltage exceeds the
overvoltage turn-off, the VTM will shutdown. The VTM does not have
internal input reverse polarity protection. Adding a properly sized diode in
series with the positive input or a fused reverse-shunt diode will provide
reverse polarity protection.
TM – For Factory Use Only
VC – VTM Control
The VC port is multiplexed. It receives the initial VCC voltage from an
upstream PRM, synchronizing the output rise of the VTM with the output
rise of the PRM. Additionally, the VC port provides feedback to the PRM to
compensate for the VTM output resistance. In typical applications using
VTMs powered from PRMs, the PRM’s VC port should be connected to the
VTM VC port.
In applications where a VTM is being used without a PRM, 14 V must be
supplied to the VC port for as long as the input voltage is below 26 V and
for 10 ms after the input voltage has reached or exceeded 26 V. The VTM is
not designed for extended operation below 26 V. The VC port should only be
used to provide VCC voltage to the VTM during startup.
PC – Primary Control
The Primary Control (PC) port is a multifunction port for controlling the
VTM as follows:
Disable – If PC is left floating, the VTM output is enabled. To
disable the output, the PC port must be pulled lower than 2.4 V,
referenced to -In. Optocouplers, open collector transistors or relays
can be used to control the PC port. Once disabled, 14 V must be
re-applied to the VC port to restart the VTM.
Primary Auxiliary Supply – The PC port can source up to 2.4 mA
at 5 Vdc.
+Out / -Out DC Voltage Output Ports
The output and output return are through two sets of contact locations.
The respective +Out and –Out groups must be connected in parallel with
as low an interconnect resistance as possible. Within the specified input
voltage range, the Level 1 DC behavioral model shown in Figure 13 defines
the output voltage of the VTM. The current source capability of the VTM is
shown in the specification table.
To take full advantage of the VTM, the user should note the low output
impedance of the device. The low output impedance provides fast tran-
sient response without the need for bulk POL capacitance. Limited-life
electrolytic capacitors required with conventional converters can be
reduced or even eliminated, saving cost and valuable board real estate.
Figure 9 — VI BRICK VTM pin configuration (viewed from pin side)