White Electronic Designs Corporation (602) 437-1520 www.wedc.com
White Electronic Designs
February 2005
Rev. 2
will be written to memory; if the DQM signal is registered
HIGH, the corresponding data inputs will be ignored, and a
WRITE will not be executed to that byte/column location.
The PRECHARGE command is used to deactivate the
open row in a particular bank or the open row in all banks.
The bank(s) will be available for a subsequent row access
a specied time (tRP) after the PRECHARGE command is
issued. Except in the case of concurrent auto precharge,
where a READ or WRITE command to a different bank is
allowed as long as it does not interrupt the data transfer
in the current bank and does not violate any other timing
parameters. Input A10 determines whether one or all
banks are to be precharged, and in the case where only
one bank is to be precharged, inputs BA0, BA1 select the
bank. Otherwise BA0, BA1 are treated as “Don’t Care.”
Once a bank has been precharged, it is in the idle state and
must be activated prior to any READ or WRITE commands
being issued to that bank. A PRECHARGE command will
be treated as a NOP if there is no open row in that bank
(idle state), or if the previously open row is already in the
process of precharging.
AUTO PRECHARGE is a feature which performs the
same individual-bank PRECHARGE function described
above, but without requiring an explicit command. This is
accomplished by using A10 to enable AUTO PRECHARGE
in conjunction with a specic READ or WRITE command.
A precharge of the bank/row that is addressed with the
READ or WRITE command is automatically performed
upon completion of the READ or WRITE burst. AUTO
PRECHARGE is nonpersistent in that it is either enabled
or disabled for each individual READ or WRITE command.
The device supports concurrent auto precharge if the
command to the other bank does not interrupt the data
transfer to the current bank.
AUTO PRECHARGE ensures that the precharge is initiated
at the earliest valid stage within a burst. This “earliest valid
stage” is determined as if an explicit precharge command
was issued at the earliest possible time, without violating
tRAS (MIN).The user must not issue another command to
the same bank until the precharge time (tRP) is completed.
This is determined as if an explicit PRECHARGE command
was issued at the earliest possible time, without violating
The BURST TERMINATE command is used to truncate
READ bursts (with auto precharge disabled). The most
recently registered READ command prior to the BURST
which the READ burst was terminated from remains
AUTO REFRESH is used during normal operation of the
DDR SDRAM and is analogous to CAS#-BEFORE-RAS#
(CBR) REFRESH in conventional DRAMs. This command
is nonpersistent, so it must be issued each time a refresh
is required.
The addressing is generated by the internal refresh
controller. This makes the address bits “Don’t Care” during
requires AUTO REFRESH cycles at an average interval
of 7.8125
s (maximum).
To allow for improved efficiency in scheduling and
switching between tasks, some exibility in the absolute
refresh interval is provided. A maximum of eight AUTO
REFRESH commands can be posted to any given DDR
SDRAM, meaning that the maximum absolute interval
between any AUTO REFRESH command and the next
AUTO REFRESH command is 9 x 7.8125
s (70.3s). This
maximum absolute interval is to allow future support for
DLL updates internal to the DDR SDRAM to be restricted
to AUTO REFRESH cycles, without allowing excessive
drift in tAC between updates.
Although not a JEDEC requirement, to provide for future
functionality features, CKE must be active (High) during
the AUTO REFRESH period. The AUTO REFRESH period
begins when the AUTO REFRESH command is registered
and ends tRFC later.