Publication Release Date:April 2000
- 2 - Revision A6
Program ROM (P-ROM): 32K
20 (ROM Bank0, 1, 2)
Data RAM (W-RAM): 1.4K
4 bit
(RAM Bank 0 is 896 nibbles from 0:000 ~0:37F and 0:380~0:3FF are mapped to special register.
RAM Bank F is 512 nibbles from F:200 ~F:3FF either data RAM or dedicated to script kernel )
LCD RAM (L-RAM): 256
4 bit
2 pages (RAM Bank1, 2 from 200~2FF)
Maximum 24 input/output pads
Ports for input only: 8 pads (RC, RD port; RD1~3 can share as serial bus for external memory
W55XXX interface @W536030A/060A)
Ports for output only: 8 pads (RE & RF port; W536090A/120A available only)
Ports for Input/output: 8 pads (RA and RB port; RB port is available for W536060A/090A/120A
Power-down mode
Hold mode (except for 32kHz oscillator)
Stop mode (including 32kHz oscillator and release by RD or RC port)
Eight types of interrupts
Five internal interrupts (Divider, Timer 0, Timer 1, Speech, Melody)
Three external interrupts (Port RC, RD, RA)
One built-in 14-bit clock frequency divider circuit
Two built-in 8-bit programmable countdown timers
Timer 0: one of two clock sources (FOSC/4 or FOSC/1024) can be selected
Timer 1: built-in auto-reload function includes internal timer, external event counter from RC.0
Built-in 18/14-bit watchdog timer for system reset.
Powerful instruction sets
8-level subroutine (including interrupt) nesting
LCD driver unit capability
VLCD higher than (VDD-0.5V)
Built-in voltage regulator to V2 pad
64 seg
16 com
1/16 or 1/8 duty, 1/5 or 1/4 bias, internal pump circuit option by special register
COM 8~ 15 and SEG40~63 can be shared as general input/output by special register
Either uC ROM or voice ROM used as LCD picture
Speech function
Provided 1M / 2M/ 3M/ 4M bits Voice ROM for W536030A/060A/090A/120A based on 5 bits
MDPCM algorithm
Voice ROM (V-ROM) available for uC data or LCD picture data.
Maximum 8*256 Label/Interrupt vector (voice section number) available
Provide two types of speech busy flag to either each GO or each trigger
Maximum up to 16M bits speech address capability interface with external memory W55XXX
through serial bus.
Melody function
Provide 1K notes (22bits/note) dedicated melody ROM
Provide two types of melody busy flag to uC either each note or each song
Provide 6 kinds of beat, 16 kinds of tempo, and pitch range from G3# to C7
Tremolo, triple frequency and 3 kinds of percussion available
Maximum 31 songs available
Can mix speech with melody
Multi-engine controller
Direct driving speaker/buzzer or DAC output
Chip On Board available