Publication Release Date:November 1998
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The W742C(E)811 [W742C811 is mask type, W742E811 is MTP(Multiple Time Program)
type] is a high-performance 4-bit microcontroller (
C) that built in 640-dot LCD driver. The
device contains a 4-bit ALU, two 8-bit timers, two dividers in dual-clock operation, a 40
16 LCD driver, ten 4-bit I/O ports (including 1 output port for LED driving), multiple
frequency output, and one channel DTMF generator. There are also eleven interrupt
sources and 16-level stack buffer. The W742C(E)811 operates on very low current and has
three power reduction modes, hold mode, stop mode and slow mode, which help to
minimize power dissipation.
Operating voltage
- 2.4V - 6.0V for mask type
- 2.4V - 4.8V for MTP type
Dual-clock operation
Main oscillator
- 3.58MHz or 400khz can be selected by code option
crystal or RC oscillator can be selected by code option
Connect to 32.768KHz crystal only
16384(16K) x 16 bit program ROM (including 64K x 4 bit look-up table)
5120(5K) x 4 bit data RAM (including 16 nibbles x 16 pages working registers)
40 x 16 LCD data RAM
40 input/output pins
Port for input only: 3 ports/12 pins
Input/output ports: 3 ports/12 pins
High sink current output port for LED driving: 1 port /4 pins
Port for output only: 1 port/ 4 pins
DC output port: 2 ports/ 8 pins (selected by code option)
Power-down mode
Hold mode: no operation (main oscillator and sub-oscillator still operate)
Stop mode: no operation (main oscillator and sub-oscillator are stopped)
Slow mode: main oscillator is stopped, system is operated by the sub-oscillator