March 2007
Rev. 2
W7NCF-H-M1 Series
White Electronic Designs Corporation (602) 437-1520 www.whiteedc.com
White Electronic Designs
Signal Name
(PC Card Memory Mode)
The CompactFlash Storage Card or CF+ Card is Reset when the RESET pin is high with
the following important exception:
The host may leave the RESET pin open or keep it continually high from the application of
power without causing a continuous Reset of the card. Under either of these conditions, the
card shall emerge from power-up having completed an initial Reset.
The CompactFlash Storage Card or CF+ Card is also Reset when the Soft Reset bit in the
Card Conguration Option Register is set.
(Card I/O Mode)
This signal is the same as the PC Card Memory Mode signal.
(True IDE Mode)
In the True IDE Mode, this input pin is the active low hardware reset from the host.
(PC Card Memory Mode)
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+5 V, +3.3 V power.
(Pc Card I/O Mode)
This signal is the same for all modes.
(True IDE Mode)
This signal is the same for all modes.
(PC Card Memory Mode)
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Voltage Sense Signals. -VS1 is grounded on the Card and sensed by the Host so that
the CompactFlash Storage Card or CF+ Card CIS can be read at 3.3 volts and -VS2 is
reserved by PCMCIA for a secondary voltage and is not connected on the Card.
(PC Card I/O Mode)
This signal is the same for all modes.
(True IDE Mode)
This signal is the same for all modes.
(PC Card Memory Mode)
The -WAIT signal is driven low by the CompactFlash Storage Card or CF+ Card to signal
the host to delay completion of a memory or I/O cycle that is in progress.
(PC Card I/O Mode)
This signal is the same as the PC Card Memory Mode signal.
(True IDE Mode)
In True IDE Mode, this output signal may be used as IORDY.
(PC Card Memory Moce)
This is a signal driven by the host and used for strobing memory write data to the registers
of the CompactFlash Storage Card or CF+ Card when the card is congured in the
memory interface mode. It is also used for writing the conguration registers.
(PC Card I/O Mode)
In PC Card I/O Mode, this signal is used for writing the conguration registers.
(True IDE Mode)
In True IDE Mode, this input signal is not used and should be connected to VCC by the host.
(PC Card Memory Mode)
Memory Mode – The CompactFlash Storage Card or CF+ Card does not have a write
protect switch. This signal is held low after the completion of the reset initialization
(PC Card I/O Model)
I/O Operation – When the CompactFlash Storage Card or CF+ Card is congured for I/O
Operation Pin 24 is used for the -I/O Selected is 16 Bit Port (-IOIS16) function. A Low signal
indicates that a 16 bit or odd byte only operation can be performed at the addressed port.
(True IDE Mode)
In True IDE Mode this output signal is asserted low when this device is expecting a word
data transfer cycle.
Signal Description (con'd)