IQXO-350 Commercial Oscillator
ISSUE 16; 19 OCTOBER 1999
Delivery Options
Common frequencies are available from stock. Please
see p34 for details
3 day Express Manufacturing Service, subject to piece
part stock availability.
Output Compatibility
Drive Capability: 50pF or 10 TTL
(1.0 to < 100.0kHz 15pF or 10 LS TTL only)
Package Outline
14-pin DIL compatible resistance welded enclosure,
hermetically sealed with glass to metal seals. Available
over 0 to 70°C (IQXO-350) or –40 to 85°C
Standard Frequency Stabilities
25ppm, 50ppm, 100ppm
(over operating temperature range)
Frequency Tolerance at 25°C (Optional)
5ppm, 10ppm, 25ppm
Operating Temperature Range
0 to 70°C (IQXO-350)
–40 to 85°C (IQXO-350I)
Storage Temperature Range
–55 to 125°C
Environmental Specification
Terminal Strength: 0.91kg max. Force perpendicular
to top & bottom.
Hermetic Seal: not to exceed 1 × 10
mBar litres of
Helium leakage
Solderability: MIL-STD-202E, Method 208C
Vibration: 10 to 55Hz 0.76mm displacement, sweep
60 seconds, duration 2 hours.
Rapid Change of Temperature over Operating Tem-
perature Range: 10 cycles
Shock: 981m/s
for 6ms, three shocks in each direc-
tion along the three mutually perpendicular planes
Model number (+ Operating Temperature Code; if
Frequency Stability Code
Frequency Tolerance Code (Optional)
Date code (Year/Week)
Minimum Order Information Required
Frequency + Model Number + Operating Tempera-
ture Code (if applicable) + Frequency Stability
Americas Tel:+19199410430
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Outline in mm (inches)
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Output Waveform - HCMOS/TTL/LS TTL